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Abby walked to the drawer that Mike had put the badge on. Making sure that he wasn't around or in sight before stepping closer. Trying to quietly open it before seeing that it was jammed. Tugging it a few times before it collapsesd on the floor.

Mike immediately ran back out of his room and towards her. "You okay?" He asked.

"I made a mess." Abby quietly spoke. Holding in her hands the papers his aunt had given him to sign to hand her custody of Abby. "I'm sorry."

Mike reached out before taking the papers from here. "They're just... they're just papers." He spoke. "They don't.. they don't mean anything."

"Then why do you have them?"

"Well, it's complicated.. Aunt Jane..."

"I hate her. She's mean and smells like cigarettes."

Mike listened to her talk about their Aunt before chuckling.

"It's not funny." Abby spoke.

"You're right, its not. It's just.. uh.. it's just nice that we can finally agree on something." He spoke.

"Are you going to give me away?" Abby asked.

Mike was stunned to hear that from her. "What? No, Abs, I-." He would never think about doing so. Especially when it came to be about his Aunt. Hearing a knock on the door.

Walking over before realizing who it was. "Hey. Vanessa." He spoke as he glanced at her. Seeing Max and Lilith talking not to far from the house.

"Hey Mike." Vanessa spoke before seeing a young girl. "And hello." She smiled at Abby before glancing at Mike.

"Vanessa, this is Abby. Abby, Vanessa." Mike spoke.

"Hi Abby. Mike didn't tell me him and Lilith had a daughter." Vanessa spoke.

"Gross." Abby spoke lightly.

"No, uh, Abby is my sister." Mike corrected.

"Ah, well he didn't tell me he had a sister either." Vanessa spoke.

"Are you here to arrest Mike?"

"Okay, uh, could you go to your room so me and Vanessa could talk?"

"It's nice to meet you." Abby spoke before leaving to go to her room.

"What, um, what are you doing here?" Mike asked. "For your sister?"

"You too actually." Vanessa spoke. "Mostly you."

"Oh, uh, my wife wouldn't like that."

"Wife? Are you going behind my sister's back?" Vanessa asked.

"What? No no no no. Lilith. I'm talking about Lilith. We're engaged and she's going to be my wife." Mike explained.

"Oh." Vanessa spoke. "Congratulations. Would've been nice to be told by her but this is fine. Anyways.. I'm here because someone broke into Freddy's."

"What?" Mike asked. "Wha-what... what happened?"

"Recognize these?" Vanessa asked as she pulled out a pill bottle. His bottle.

"Look it's not what you think, okay? These- these are just sleeping pills. The help me sleep."

"I know what they are, Mike. It's written on the bottle." Vanessa spoke. "News flash: you're too whacked out to remember to lock a fricking door. Accident or not, you are liable. It's called criminal negligence."

"He didn't do it." A voice spoke up.

Vanessa turned around before seeing her sister. "How would you know?"

"Because I'm the one who locked the door and drove us back home." Lilith spoke. "If you want to come for someone then come for the one really responsible."

Mike placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. I've got this. I'll go talk with her. Can you watch Abby?"

"Mike, you can't be serious-."

"Watch Abby." Mike sternly spoke.

"Fine. Do whatever the hell you want then." Lilith spoke before walking back to Max at the moment.

Mike sighed a bit before leading Vanessa away from their home and into a more private area. Taking a seat on the grass there. Running a hand through his hair. "I used to have a brother." Mike started. "His name was Garrett." Sighing a bit. "And when I was, about twelve, he was, uh, he was taken."

Vanessa listened to him speak before finally understanding what he was saying.

"And I was there when it happened. They never found the guy who did it and they never found my brother." Staying silent for a second. "So there's this theory that we can't forget things. Basically it says that every single thing that you see in your entire life, down to the tiniest details, get stored inside of you. You just have to know how to look."

"Your brother.. you think you saw who took him?"

"I know I did. And I know he's in here, but he's just- he's- it's buried." Mike came clean to her. "So every night, I dream, and I go back to that same memory and I-i search for details. For any little thing that may have gotten over looked."

Vanessa didn't say much. Glancing away from him a bit.

"Yeah. And that usually the part where they tell me I'm crazy."

"I know what crazy looks like, Mike. This isn't it. Not even close. And these?" Raising the pill bottle up.

"Well, I mean, going back to the same dream, the same place night after night, it's not easy. The pills help me. Some other things like familiar sights, familiar sounds."

"Pining for fun?"

Mike chuckled at her words. "Visit Nebraska." He spoke. Hearing her laugh lightly as he smiled.

"Your sister seems cool. So, it's just the two of you?"

"Yeah.. just the two of us." Mike spoke. Not mentioning Lilith at all. "Our mom died a while back. And dad, he couldn't handle it, so..." He spoke. "You know what's crazy is, when me and Garrett were kids, they were like the perfect parents. We'd have family dinners every night and hold hands to say grace."

"That actually sounds really nice."

"Yeah, at the time, I thought it was really cheesy. But then it is gone."

"You and Abby still have one another." Vanessa spoke lightly. "From where I sit, I'd say you're lucky."

Mike would've asked but he remembered what Lilith used to tell him. About how her family wasn't the best. Not wanting to bring it up for Vanessa.

Vanessa heard her radio before letting out a small sigh. "I should go." Throwing his pills into the water. "No more sleeping on the job. When you're at Freddy's you stay alert." She spoke before walking away.

His eyes followed her figure leaving before glancing away as he remembered Lilith. Getting up as he rushed back home. Wanting to apologize for taking so long.

It didn't take him long to arrive before seeing that max was no longer at their place. An unknown car parked out front before watching the guy try to take the female who fought back.

Panic filling him as he picked up the pace. "Hey!" He yelled as he ran forwards.

The man noticed before keeping his face covered and turning to Lilith. Getting into the car before driving off.

Lilith felt like she had been holding her breathe for hours before collapsing onto her knees. Feeling hands on her shoulders. Shaking her as she simply stared at where the car had been. She had been found and he had more control over her with his threats than before.

Knowing that she couldn't keep lying if things got worse. She couldn't put anyone else in danger because of that someone. Having her hand over her heart as she calmed down a bit. Never wanting to see him again. Wanting to move and change her name.

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