Percabeth Oneshot #9 - Rain

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        Pouring. Rain was battering Camp mercilessly. But Annabeth sat on the roof of the Athena Cabin and let the water run down her face. Maybe then no one would notice her tears. She'd had a few weeks with Percy, after the Titan's War. But that was it. He'd been missing for two weeks now, but Annabeth kept hoping he was alive. Cause she needed him.

         In fact, right now she could imagine him sitting right next to her, pulling her hair. Could imagine kissing him in the rain, his salty lips leaving her feeling blessed. Could imagine picking strawberries in the fields, and playing in the Poseidon Cabin.

         But that was all there was to it. Imagining. Yes, Annabeth ached for it to be real, as she got more and more battered by the rain. Percy would have tried extremely hard and kept them both out of its touch. Then, he would have lost his control over it, and dried them quickly once they got inside.

         She would tease him afterwards, for not being bold enough to kiss her in the rain. Percy just shrugged and told her 'My memories of rain are tainted, Wise Girl'. And she always wondered, what was it he had against rain?

         Speaking of the devil, the rain was getting worse and worse, so Annabeth let out a sob. No one would notice now. As a senior demigod, she had to be mature, strong, at all times. But, she let go of the facade, and screamed into the rain.

         When she was done, she walked inside, exhausted, and went straight to bed.

         But none of that was strange. What was strange, my friend, is that Annabeth went straight to bed. And she went to bed dry...

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