Sokeefe Oneshot #1 - Anytime

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She could hear him crying in his room. It was his birthday, and she had arrived to surprise him, to bring him to the party, his surprise party. But as she tentatively knocked on the door to his room, she sensed something was wrong.

"Go away," his voice cracked, "But what use is telling you that? I'm surprised you even knocked." Clearly, he thought she was someone else.

"Keefe?" she asked as she pushed the door open just slightly, "What's wrong?" He immediately stopped crying.

"Foster?!" he exclaimed, "Nothing's wrong. I-I was just joking." But as she stepped into the room, she could tell something was clearly up. He was bleeding, and not just a little, he was bleeding badly. He had cuts running down his arm.

"Who did this to you?" she cried out in shock. "I'm no Empath, but I know this is no joke."

"I'm fine, Foster. No one can hurt Lord Hunkyhair," he joked, wincing in pain from the effort. But she wasn't going to take any nonesense.

"Keefe, you tell me right now what's wrong."

"Sophie, I'm not going to lie to you any longer. It-it was my dad. He was mad that I- I made some snarky comment about him not wishing me Happy Birthday. I'll be alright," he said softly.

"I originally came here to take you to your birthday party, but how about we go somewhere else instead?"


"That's for me to know and you to find out," her eyes twinkled. As she pulled out a light-leaping crystal, Keefe stood up, and came up behind her.

"Hey Foster, thank you."


Author's Note: Any request for the next one?

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