Sokeefe Oneshot #3 - I Always Have

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Author's Note: Now this oneshot - Much better than the soulmates Sokeefe one. So yay!

She was arguing with her boyfriend, again. She hated having the same conversation every week.

        "Fitz, for the hundredth time, I am just friends with Keefe. Stop being ridiculously overprotective!" she complained, throwing her hands in the air.

        "Sophie, I just don't think Keefe feels the same way."

        "He's your best friend, and I'm your girlfriend. Just trust one of us, or go to hell!" she screamed, obnoxiously loud. Fitz took a step backwards, she usually never raised her voice in their arguments.

        "You know what, Sophie? We're over," Fitz said, never one to end an argument without having the last word. Her eyes widened, tears beginning to pool in the corners. The first time she stood up for herself, this happened. She might as well have just kept her mouth shut. She ran away from him, not caring what Lady Galvin was going to do. Fitz finally realized his mistake and called out to her.

        "Sophie, wait! I didn't mean it!" he yelled. But she had already formed a portal, and was visualizing the Panakes Tree.

        Under the comfort of Calla's warm presence, she curled herself up, pulling her knees into her chest, and began sobbing uncontrollably. That's how Edaline found Sophie, the soft Panakes Blooms all around her.

        "Sophie, are you going to tell me what's wrong? Magnate Leto just called, and he says you missed half of the school day." Sophie sniffled and looked up at Edaline.

        "Fitz broke up with me."

        "Again?!" Edaline exclaimed, "Sophie, I told you to stop dating him a while ago."

        "I know, Mom. Bu-but it's like everyone expects us to be together. And he is sweet sometimes-"

        "The day you have to justify your relationship with someone, is when you know it's over." For Sophie, wiser words had never been spoken. She stood up and hugged Edaline.

        "You know what, you're right. I love you, Mom. I'll come inside, I just need a moment." Edaline smiled softly, and walked back into the house, when there was a knock at the gate.

        "Yo, Foster! Open up!" She could hear Keefe's voice quite loudly, and ran to the gate, forcing a smile back onto her face.


        "Don't you just give me a 'hi', Foster. You tell me right now what happened with you and Fitziepoo." Keefe made a kissy face and Sophie couldn't help it, she burst out laughing.

        "Nothing, Fitz is just convinced that I'm cheating on him with you behind his back," she spat, surprising herself with how bitter her voice sounded. Keefe gaped, obviously hurt.

        "H-he really thinks that?" Keefe pretended to be strong, but Sophie knew that inside he was just a little boy that wanted love.

        "Unfortunately, yeah."

        "I guess I need to talk with the Fitzter, huh?"

        "We both do." Keefe locked eyes with her.

        "Foster, don't let him push you around again, okay? He's done it way too many times. As much as I support Fitz, you're my friend too, and I don't want to see you getting hurt again." Sophie was taken aback. Did Keefe really care that much? As one does when they have a huge 'aha' moment, she blurted out the question, to none other than Keefe himself.

        "Do you really care that much?"

        "Foster, I always have."

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