Part 7 new school

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The next day I woke up by the earliest sun rays still feeling a bit groggy, thanks to the gigantic lack of sleep that I have . Soon after that Evelyn knocked on the door and said that it was time for me to get up. She was surprised to see me up as well as I was that she was so concerned. It was such a sweet lady, which was a welcomed surprise for me. She kindly told me that school is about to start in an hour and offered to show me the new route from this place. I kindly accepted the offer, told her that I will go change and be ready in a bit.

I went into the small bathroom that was located right next to the room I'm staying in. I looked into the mirror and I was shocked. My hair was dull and my eyes were sullen, also I looked tired, sad and anxious. I mean my face matches my mood perfectly but still I was hoping that it would change over time.

Also I noticed that I was a bit pale but I guess that's why I was barely out in the world during my life

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Also I noticed that I was a bit pale but I guess that's why I was barely out in the world during my life. But for now I put my dark brown hair into a plain low ponytail. After that I put on the clothes she gave me yesterday. They were a bit baggy on me which I absolutely love. It was a black jeans which was a high waist cut. For the upper part I layered a few pieces starting off with a black tank top and on top of that I put on a green T-shirt. I was extremely comfortable but I guessed that it still would be too cold so I combined it with the oversized zip up hoodie.


So now I am right in front of the big metal school gate where students already swarming in. Damn I already hated it here, just because of how hopeless and sad everything looks from the outside. I kept my head low and went in. I accidentally bumped into a few students, luckily none of them cared except one, a brown haired confused looking boy."Oh I'm so-sorry I didn't see you..Are you okay?" he asked a bit scared.

"Oh yeah I'm okay, no worries. And you don't have to be sorry at all I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going" I mumbled trying to get his attention off of me. "Wait I haven't seen you around here. Ar-are you new? I mean of course you are because I haven't seen you here and I guess I would remember a pretty girl like you. I-I mean ..." he stuttered as his cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.

I gently touched his shoulder, making him look at me. "That very kind of you and yes I am new in town and also here at this school. And cute that you think I'm pretty" I smiled shyly. We talked a bit more and he offered be to show me around. During our small and short tour he mentioned everything from the cafeteria, the gym, various classrooms and last but not least the headmasters office. I thanked him for the tour and said that I needed to go in there be a use I'm new and that's what new students are supposed on their first day. Before I went in he told me that the headmaster can sometimes be a little bit weird and annoying so I could be prepared. I thanked him once more, pulled the door handle down and went inside.

Speaking to the headmaster principal Morita was no big deal. He was welcoming and polite in every way, handed me my schedule and wished me good luck. Because when I hacked myself into the system of the school I faked a lot of documents which also included my grades and other stuff they needed. He was excited to have someone with pretty good grades and I secretly just hoped that that wouldn't change. After that he told me where my first class was, of course it had to be maths. I thanked him and made my way over to the classroom.

I knocked twice on the brown door and waited patiently until a female voice told me to come in. I carefully opened the door and stepped into the classroom. Immediately all eyes were on me and I felt uncomfortable and nervous. I swallowed the lump in my throat, greeted her and told her that I'm new here. "Oh yes I see. So I'm miss Jones your math teacher. We are currently resuming the last weeks due to the upcoming exams so I hope that you can catch up, so feel free to pick a free seat. Maybe you could sit right next to Mr Parker right over there, he could help you with the lesson material" she said smiling kindly at me. "Oh wait before I forget it can you please tell me and your new classmates your name? And maybe tell us something about you" she asked me. "Oh yes of course. Hi my name is Aria Williams and I like to read and listen to en to music" I said quickly and went to by suggested seat.

I sat down, luckily in the back of the room, put my bag next to the table and looked to my left. "So you like to read and music as well. What's your favorite band?" a familiar boyish voice asked me. I turned my head to the left and saw him, the boy I bumped into about an hour ago. "Oh hey so you are Parker" I replied, clearly avoiding the question to but me some time to think about a band. "Yes, but most people call me Peter and you didn't told me your favorite band" he giggled nervously. "Okay well then it's nice to meet you Peter and my favorite band is AC/DC". For the remaining time of the lesson we quietly talked about school and other stuff.

The est of the day went smoothly. I had physics, English and science in the end. It wasn't that hard for me and I was able to pick up everything they talked about. Most students were nice towards me and ask me several questions. Apparently there is a group of teenagers who kind of rule the school because everyone is scared of the. I can already tell that there will be some trouble with them in the future. But for now I need to go to the shop and help Evelyn. So I waved goodbye to Peter and started to walk to the shop.

A/N What do you think about the appearance of the OC?! Let me know in the comments —>

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