Part 4 secret and escape

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Many years later and I am now seventeen years old. How I know that? Well the other day I overheard a conversation that two scientists had about me being know old enough to get to the next level. I was nervous about the outcome of this conversation because every time something like that was mentioned, it only got worse for me. One of them said something about that the DNA from Stark and Rodgers should work just fine. The next sentence confused me even more because they talked about some character traits that I had and that they thought that they wouldn't show up on me.

I know that I wasn't supposed to hear that because I sneaked out of my "room". When one scientist told his college to shut his mouth and be quiet I was even more intrigued. I listen a bit more to get some more information. The talked about me and that I was just a lab experiment. I was so shocked and hurt but still not surprised. After that they talked about the DNA that was used to "create" me. Apparently my DNA donators, as they called it, were Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers. In a careless moment a gasp escaped me, due to all the information that I just witnessed. They heard the sound and turned their heads in the direction of the corned where I was hiding.

I quickly went back, shut the door and sat down on the bed. For the next hour I stared at the wall and thought about what I just heard. So this explain a lot to me. Why everyone hates me and why I never was called by my last name, like everyone else around me. In fact it made me feel even more unwanted. I learned to hate the avengers and the fact that I was practically one of them, at least the DNA made me hate myself even more.

So now that I know the truth about myself, I knew that I couldn't stay a single moment longer in this hell. But how could it be possible to flee from here or will I die trying. But I didn't care I at least have to try. I don't know what I was going to do with my life but I will figure it out when the time comes. For now I needed a plan so I can taste the freedom.

The next day I followed the routine and managed every test they set me on. It was though but this was the only way where I could look out for weak spots or a way out of here. So a week later everything was set, I knew how to escape but before I did that I needed a distraction. My plan was to cause some trouble by messing with the computer systems and security camera during one of my lessons. I guess it was a huge mistake showing me the basics of coding. My plan was perfect and just as I thought the first thing on my agenda was computer practice and programming.

When I was sitting in front of the computer I was ready to make it come true. I quickly finished the test they gave me and after that I started my own plan. It wasn't easy instead it was almost impossible but after some failures I cracked the code and I was inside the system. I hacked the cameras and messed with the hydraulic system so after a minute the system thought that there was a huge fire and from the ceiling came loads of water.

When everyone was busy trying to get these things to stopp sprinklers from releasing all their cold water, I took that as my sign to run. I was half way through the first corridor when someone grabbed my leg and I fell face forward to the ground.

I groaned in pain but that doesn't stopp my attacker from holding me down. "You're not going anywhere where missy! You are HYDRA property so you stay!" he shouted angrily at me.

I kicked him in his chest and took off again. I fought every soldier or guard in my way out. By now I had perfectly memorized my way out so I knew which turn I had to take.

Thirty minutes later I was out and stood in the midst of nowhere. I heard sirens ringing right behind me and soldiers are already swarming out trying to find me. I was exhausted from all the fighting and running and I knew that the adrenaline will soon wear off.

The way to the next city, which ever it was, was way too far so I needed to stay here. But not right here in this spot. I ran about three miles through light forest until I couldn't run any more. I saw the perfect tree and climbed up.

I climbed as high as possible so even when one of them would be smart enough to look up, they wouldn't be able to see me. When I was satisfied with my position I checked my surroundings once more before I decided to treat myself with a little bit of light sleep.

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