Part 1 the plan

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Hydra place in Russia. Pierce and his highest scientists are working on new secret project. The plan was to create the ultimate weapon. A new human species of enhanced. After secretly collecting DNA from the avengers, thanks to the continuously battles, they have finally enough to make a new weapon. A child that they can raise as their own and after their believes. One that would always obey and never ask questions.

The plan was to combine two dns samples and see if it would work. They tried ever possible combination but nothing seemed to work properly. Every time they thought that this time was the right one, it failed. Soon Pierce lost his temper and yelled at the scared scientists. They all hurried back to their monitors and tried to fix this problem. It was a process of trying and failing in an endless circle.

After many more failures the thought they had the perfect version. They called from him and told him that it was perfect. They told him that the perfect combination was the dns mix of Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark. Pierce was not that pleased. They explained to him that even though that they are both male. In some way they figured out that they can pick out there strength and mind traits and but it into a cell so in that way would come out the perfect human being.

Pierce was worried that the human would have also there character traits as well, but they reassured him that wouldn't happen. After all the education that would be presented to her as well as the practice wouldn't leave any room for it. He was more than pleased with the outcome and ordered them to continue.

They worked for day and night day after day. Soon moths had passed and Pierce got tensed. By now he came in day after day and asked them how they wanted to startle him. Only a few minutes later a screen lit up and blinked green. Everyone's head turned in surprise and a few one's faces lit up.

The screen showed that this worked perfectly and that the cell has stared to grow. They immediately transferred it into a special container that imitated a womb just like it would be growing inside a real woman. So from now on they have to wait for nine moth until they saw if it truly worked. During these nine moth they have to inject a lot of serums so the tiny being would grow properly.

In all these months they have to report every singe change or development directly to their boss, Alexander Pierce. The serum treatment will also have to continue after the human is born. They also started to plan everything from the early childhood until the day it was time to fight the avengers.

*thx to Makfoywufefreak  for the help with error and spelling mistakes you're amazing *

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