Different comfort

Start from the beginning

Guess he just has to be back earlier today..


"Going for another round? That's the fifth time this week" The lady at the register said, as Shoto smiled at her before walking to the changing rooms... he didn't really need to change, but sometimes it's just easier to throw his phone and other belongs in a locker, without worrying about dropping them or having them stolen.

Besides... even if he had his phone with him, he would be far too busy skating to check for messages or calls anyway...

As he entered the first foot into the rink- his skates already on, Shoto couldn't help but feel more at home than at any other place. He liked his classmates, but this was just a far better place for Shoto to be expressive and to enjoy himself.. whenever he's at the dorms he's always worried about irritating someone, but here he doesn't have to worry about things like that..

This skating rink in particular, was in the more isolated part of town, which meant not many people knew of its existence, making it even better for Shoto. Sure, here were still other people, but never enough for Shoto to feel crowded, or like he were being suffocated. Like today, where it's only him and three other people.

They were all skating for themselves, just like Shoto, enjoying the time they spent here, without worrying about anyone or anything else. They could just be themselves for once in a while..

Shoto let his feet glide over the ice, as he neared the middle, only to stop abruptly, as he suddenly made a whole spin, before skating further away from his starting point- this time only on one foot.

He enjoyed this.. being able to feel safe and to challenge himself...

As he glided from one end to the other, the other three people slowly vanished- leaving Shoto to himself, until he suddenly thought of going back to the dorms. He promised not to be gone for too long.. He didn't know what the time was, but it had been about five pm when he left the dorms earlier, and it hadn't felt like he had been skating for too long, considering his usual time.

Though as he returned to the changing room and took out his phone, Shoto got himself an awful surprise, as he opened it, only to see about six missed calls from his classmates, as well as the time reading; 10:24 pm.

Had he really been here for that long?

He hurriedly gathered his things, before leaving the changing room- waving quickly at the woman at the register, before shifting to a sprint. They definitely called his family.. he were even going to be back after curfew... he were supposed to be back at 10 pm, at the very last.

He didn't even have time to check the messages constantly blowing up his phone, before he could distantly spot UA. At least they could be asleep... right?

The change in speed, as he came to a halt, suddenly made him realise the sudden oxygen loss he had... he must of sprinted for quite some time as well...

He just needs to return to his room without getting spotted.... it couldn't be that hard right?

Wrong. He barely got through the door, before it was slammed shut behind him- making him jump in the process. Who in the right mind would- He just barely turned around before he realised that Aizawa had been the one to slam the door, and were now looking at him with a very angry expression.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Aizawa weren't one to swear, so Shoto instantly knew that he had fucked up. "Well.." His gaze wandered for a moment, as he tried to think of an excuse... he could see his classmates over by the couches, but maybe he still had a shot at the family thing?..

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