No More Gin For You

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"Mrs. Thompson" a familiar voice traveled to her ear through a speaker.

"I'm listening" she replied, annoyed, too tired to care.

"Shelby visited you today. Good job Mrs. Thompson. Keep it up" a man whispered in a Italian accent she failed to notice until now.

"Tell your monkeys not to stare at me while I work. It's raising suspicions," Autumn spat into the speaker boldly, hoping to dissuade them from following her.

"Have a nice day, Mrs. Thompson," and with that, he hung up without waiting for an answer. She wouldn't give him one, but their arrogance was wearing on her. They treated her like a pawn in their foolish game.

What was it about?" Harry asked, glancing around the half-empty pub to ensure privacy.

"Take a guess," she rolled her eyes and grabbed a bottle of gin, pouring herself a full glass. Harry's eyes followed her hands.

"Hey, take it easy," he intervened, taking the bottle from her and placing it on the bar.

"Fuck it," she groaned, forgetting her manners. Harry draped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her to a seat at the bar. She didn't resist, letting him lead her with a weary sigh.

"They asked me to listen to your conversations and report back to them," Harry whispered, leaning in.

"And will you?" Autumn questioned, her eyes wide, hoping he wouldn't betray her.

"No," Harry replied, closing his eyes with sincerity.

"We'll tell them what we want them to think, Harry. We have power in our hands," she said, cupping his face in her hands, a hopeful smile breaking through the weariness. Harry smiled back, losing himself in her warm eyes.

Autumn hopped down from the barstool, trying not to loose a balance. The glass of gin she had emptied was already taking its toll, evident in the sway of her legs and the dizziness in her head. She navigated her way toward the secluded table in the corner, blinking rapidly in attempt to fight a dizziness. Harry followed, carrying a stack of papers that demanded her attention. While it wasn't his initial intention to employ her, the reality was that he desperately needed a bookkeeper, and Autumn happened to excel at it.

The pub's atmosphere hummed with muted conversations, drowning out the clinking of glasses as she settled in her chair. Harry dropped a stack of papers on the table in front of her, shaking his head at her obvious drunkeness. It was her glossy eyes and a flushed cheeks that betrayed her.

"More gin Harry" Autumn laughed, looking at him with a mischievous glint in her glossy eyes.

"No more gin for you," he replied curtly, his stern face unwavering as he turned on his heel and returned to his work.

Autumn attempted to protest, but he ignored her, leaving her with the pile of papers and a growing sense of sobriety settling in.

It didn't take much longer until she heard the door slam open, announcing an angry Tommy making his way towards a private lounge in the back. His eyes didn't glance her way; he probably didn't even notice her.

Slightly intoxicated, Autumn bit her pen, watching him with curiosity, wondering what could anger him so much. It wasn't him losing everything like she did. She scoffed and looked back to her papers, but the annoying voice in the back of her head kept her wondering. What is wrong with him? It was the first time she had seen him other than calm and on top of things.

Gangster's Heart // Tommy Shelby fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat