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It's been a couple of weeks now and it's now Christmas break. Vada and her parents moved into their new house, the Brown family went on vacation to the Bahamas, Everly also left with her dads to go to Australia but she's coming back today. So I'm all alone. But at least I have my mom.

"Hello mother" I jump on her bed and cuddle up next to her. She's scrolling through something that looks like a decoration website, for the party I'm assuming. She wraps her arm around me and continues scrolling.

"What about this one?" she clicks on some decorations and I nod my head. I watched her do her thing for like an hour until we hear the doorbell ring. "I got it!" I rush downstairs and look at the camera.

I smile and open the door. "What up loser?" Lizzie comes walking in and ruffles my hair. "Can you not? I worked hard on this" I push her hands off of me and let her in. "Was it you or mom? Because we all know you can't even brush your own hair" I stick my tongue out at her and follow her to the kitchen.

"Where's your mom?" I ignore her eyeing her. She's going to eat all the cookies I made for the party. "She's upstairs. Please stop eating my cookies" she sticks her tongue at me and goes upstairs. I follow her to moms room and jump on the bed next to mom.

"Are you here to help me decorate or are you here to eat all the food?" mom ask eyeing her girlfriend from across the room. "I came here to bug you two" Lizzie kisses her and I gag. "When are we decorating the house?" I ask playing with some on moms jewelry and organizing it.

"Well, we can go shopping for some things today then decorate tomorrow" mom suggest getting up from her bed and going to the closet to get ready. "Can Everly help decorate?" I ask grabbing my phone about to text her. "Only if she isn't too tired" I nod and text my best friend asking if she wanted to help. She replied a few seconds later and said she would.

"Let's go" we follow her out of the house and into her car. I sat in the front since I beat Lizzie. "Where are we going first?" Lizzie ask from the back seat. "Take a wild guess Olsen" I sarcastically tell her and we drive off.

We arrive at a store where they sell decorations and all of that. I walk in in front of the two and look around. "We have to get this" I lift a funny looking elf and show it to mom. "No. We're only here for certain things" I roll my eyes and set the elf back down and follow the two around. Bored now.

We walk around some more and I accidently ran into the cart that Lizzie was pushing. I hear a little laugh behind me and I know that evil fucking laugh. I sigh and turn around to see Lexi, Vicky and Sarah. The trio from school that no one likes.

"We'll be in the Christmas decoration" mom whispered to me and eyed the girls then walked away. Everyone knows who my mom is so the girls weren't that surprised when she showed up. As soon as mom and lizzie left, Lexi pointing her phone in my face.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a smile carefully pushing her face out of my face. "Have you seen your face recently? I think the whole world should see this" my face instantly dropped but I covered it up pretty quickly.

Smile through the pain.

"What a loser" Sarah laughs in my face. "What's going on here?" mom and Lizzie comes up behind me. I don't dare to turn around or else I would probably break down in front of the camera and we don't want that.

"Nothing. We're just saying hi to Mia" Vicky speaks as the camera is still in my face. "And you need a phone for that?" Lizzie ask walking next to me and gently pushing Lexi's phone out of my face. "I would delete that video if I were you" mom steps up this time basically glaring at them.

"Unless you want me to tell the principal that you harassed one of your fellow class mates. I don't think your dad will be very happy about that especially since he's the principal" I watch Lexi's jaw drop and she quickly goes to delete the video.

"Let's go" mom drags me out of the store as lizzie follows and puts the cart away. "Does this always happened to you?" mom ask putting her seatbelt on. "No. Never" she hums and drives away to another store. I watch the trees pass by, trying to forget what just happened but then I get a text from Megan.




Are you okay? I saw the video

What video?

The video in the store
from today. Lexi sent it to me.

By this time we were already at the mall looking for more things and outfits. The mall wasn't actually that busy which is kind of odd but it's whatever. I follow mom and Lizzie into some random stores as I keep texting Megan.


Are you okay tho?
Like don't lie to me

I'm fine

No you're not

I was about to answer but she facetimes me and I obviously answer. "Hi" she looks at me dead in the eyes and shakes her head. "How dumb do you think I am?" I pull this face making her explain what she meant.

"I know when a girl says that she's fine she's actually not" I sigh. She's right. "Is that Megan?!" mom shouts making everyone stop and stare. "Yeah" I point the camera to her and she literally snatches my phone and walks away to talk to Megan.

"Mom!" I run after and grab it. "She wants me to buy her some cotton candy" of course. "She sent me $50 for it" my jaw drops. "Perfect. Get me some too please" she smiles then her face goes blank.

"No" then she hangs up. "Fucking rude" she then texts me that she loves me. I shake my head and text her back. "Look what I found" Lizzie and mom comes running towards me some outfits in their hands.

"So we have this one" they start showing me some options and I actually like them. The first one was a plaid red, white and black skirt with a white bodysuit and a red banana clip for my hair. The second one was white jeans with a red long sleeve shirt. They told me I could match it wit my red Jordan's and my Prada purse. The third one was a red long sleeve shirt that would go over one shoulder with a black skirt (you guys can chose what outfit you want).

I chose an outfit and we got out and finally decided to head back since we were getting hungry. Once we arrived, we noticed a car in the driveway. "My mom is here apparently" mom says with a frown. They are in a rough patch at the moment so this should be fun.

We get out of the car and grab everything we got today and walk inside. "Girls! Finally" grandma comes and hugs us all. I felt mom tense up making me look up at her while still in the hung. "Well it was nice seeing you but I should get going"

Grandma lets us go and nods. "I thought you wanted to help" I whisper and glare at her. "I do but it's not the right moment" when is it? "I'll walk you out" mom says in a hurry and drags her outside. I set my stuff down.

"Is she still in that faze?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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