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Camillia's pov

We arrived at the place where they will be needing to pick up their scripts. It's huge and I see a couple people outside chatting. "You coming?" I snap my head in the direction where the voice came from. Scarlett has the door open for me and is looking at me worried.

"Y-yeah" I don't really like crowds so this should be fun. "Everything okay?" she ask, taking my hand and getting me out of the car. "Just don't like a lot of people around me, that's it" I told her as I walk a little behind her as I saw some people already starring.

"Who's kid did you kidnap?" I heard a man speak so I look a little and see that it's Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett told me about him and to ignore what he says. "Can you shut up for once?" Lizzie tells him and he rolls his eyes.

I get pulled in front of Scarlett and she places her hands on my shoulders. "Guys, this is Mia" I wave and they wave back. "She's cute" I heard a younger boy. Probably the youngest from all of them. "Not a chance, Holland" Scarlett glares at him and walks me over to some snacks.

"Stay here. I'll be back shortly. Lizzie is right over there if you need anything" I nod my head but she looks unsure. "Just hurry back" "I will" she kisses my head and walks away to somewhere. I look at all the different snacks they have. They even have my favorite.

I pick it up and start eating it while looking around me to see what's happening. "Hey" I jump and drop my snack but someone catches it before it hit the floor. I look up and see the Holland kid. "Hi" I smile at him. "Here" he hands me back my snack.

"So who are you exactly? Because last time a checked, Scarlett did not have a kid" I roll my eyes but he just laughs. "You do have her attitude which is oldy weird" I was going to answer his question but I heard my name being called. MY FULL NAME TO BE EXACT.

"Camillia! Stop talking to Tom!" I groan knowing that it's Scarlett storming her way over. "That's your full name?" Tom ask and I nod. "Tom, you're too old for her" Scarlett says and drags me away. We walk to the others and Lizzie is there also so I go to stand next to her. She smiles down at me and wraps her arms around me, warming me up.

They walk about the movie but I zone out. I was getting bored...and hungry and I think Scarlett knew that. Somehow. "Okay, I got a kid who's hungry so we'll see you later" Scarlett speaks and hugs everyone. They all say goodbye to me and we walk away, back to the car.

It's silent in the car and I don't like it. "I know I'm not your mother but I don't want you dating Tom Holland. He's too old for you and-" I cut her off knowing that I would never be dating a boy anyways. "I won't be dating boys anyways" I tell her and Lizzie turns around and looks at me.

Argh shit. Maybe I shouldn't have said that? Is she homophobic? Nah, she's literally in love with Scarlett and it shows. "I'm sorry" I told her but she squeals making me confused as hell. "Good for you. Boys are dumb anyways and girls make sure you cum anyways and-" she get's stopped by Scarlett smacking her hand over her mouth.

"Not in front of the child" she whispers and starts to drive off to the orphanage. It doesn't take long to get there and I regret getting out of the car. "You sure you don't want us to come?" Lizzie ask but I nod my head and walk inside. I wish I said yes for the to come. I'd feel safer with them around.

I ignore everyone around and me and quickly run to my room to grab some stuff. I grab my school backpack and shove all my clothes in there with the books that are already there. It's not a huge backpack and I also don't have clothes so yeah.

I then grab my favorite piece of clothing, if a bracelet counts, and put it on. I smile remembering who gave it to me. It was my teacher. Ms. Ashley. She gave it to me one day because she said that I needed it more than she did. I thanked her and I kept it ever since.

I look around the room once more making sure I didn't forget anything. Once I was satisfied, I made my way outside of the house and of course, Jacob had to follow me out. He shuts the door behind him and turns me around. I sigh and cross my arms waiting for his bullshit.

"Where are you going?" he ask as he was staring at my wrist. I hid it behind me so that he doesn't think of doing anything to that bracelet. "Going somewhere that doesn't concern you" I respond to his question. He stares at me and I swear I heard him growl.

I backed away, trying to get back to the car, but he had other plans. He pulled me back and grabbed my wrist and yanked that bracelet off. All the beads fell on the floor. It was everywhere. "Why? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shout at him. I pushed him aside.

I tried grabbing as much as I could and shoved it in my bag, while crying which made it harder to see. But I saw him kicking some away. "Can you stop? You knew how much this meant to me" I shove him against the door making him fall back a little. "You knew" I whispered. And that's when I heard Lizzie and Scarlett's doors shut and footsteps running towards me.

Scarlett's pov

We are waiting for Mia to come back. It did take her a while but we waited. "So you're going to adopt her" Lizzie says, not even looking at me. She's staring at the door waiting. "Yeah. U want too, but I feel like I should get to know her better you know?" she finally turns her head my way. "I get it. She needs someone to love her and care for her. She needs you" I smile and she quickly kisses my cheek and looks back out the window.

If she didn't turn around then she would have saw my blush. "You're blushing" she says and I groan. How did she know? "There she is" I look out the window. There she is but there's a kid chasing after her. "What's going on?" I mumble. It looks like the kid is saying something that's upsetting Mia. I can tell.

My hand is hovering over my seatbelt just in case I need to run out. "What's he doing?" Lizzie ask as we keep staring. "Oh my god" we unbuckle our seatbelt and run out our doors. We reach Mia and she's crying. "Mia, baby, what's going on?" I ask as I look at the scene in front of me. Beads are everywhere. "Jacob broke my special bracelet" she simply says as she wipes her tears away and walks to the car like nothing happened.

Liz and I look at each other but she has this face. "What?" she sighs and looks at all of the beads and picks some up. "This was Ashley's bracelet and she gave it to her. There's a special reason behind it but It's not my place to tell you" I nod my head and we walk to the car, leaving the other kid behind.

We seat ourselves and buckle ourselves up. I look back to see Mia lightly grazing her wrist while looking out the window. I sigh and we drive over to Lizzie's to drop her off then go back to mine to let Mia unpack a little the we'll go back to Liz's.

The whole way there, she hasn't spoken which worries me. She always talks but Lizzie told me that she will be okay but that I will need to talk to her. So that's what I'm going to do.

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