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Camillia's pov

"Mia! You have work in 20 minutes!" Melissa, my "foster mom" yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming!" I shout back as I struggle to put my shoes on.

I grab my jacket, since it's a little chilly outside, and rush downstairs to grab my bag. "Have fun at work, idiot" one of the foster kids told me.

I roll my eyes and flip him off as I walk out the door and slam it. He's so annoying. Jokes on him, I get paid and he doesn't.

Oh shit! Let me introduce myself a little. Hi, my name is Camillia or Mia. Usually the people I'm closer too get to call me Camillia. Anyways, I'm in grade 10, live in a foster home because my parents decided that they didn't want me anymore, I look older than I should be, I have no friends and no one loves me.

Now for my phobias. I have arachnophobia (fear of spiders), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), and elevatophobia (fear of elevators). That's probably why no one likes me cause of all those stupid phobias.

That's it. Not much about me. Let's move on shall we?

I've been working so that I could save up for a place for myself so that's why I'm working at a gas station. I pump gas and clean windows and all that fun stuff. It's my escape place.

I pull out my phone to check how much time I have left. "Shit" does that explain that I don't have much time? I start to run for the hills and let me tell you, I can't run for shit.

I look up ahead to see a crowd surrounding two woman with sunglasses on. Camera's were flashing and all that jazz. I mean...I do live in LA so I'm not surprised about this.

I sigh as I reach them. I have to get around them so that I can get to work and I have 10 minutes left.

I gently push myself around them, saying 'excuse me and sorry' because I'm nice like that but I don't give a single fuck.

"Hey, move it" someone told me and shoved me to the ground. I groan as I tried getting up but it was kind of hard since more people were coming over.

I hate life.

Scarlett's pov

"We should go now, paparazzi is coming" my bestfriend, Elizabeth/Lizzie informs me. I look up and sigh. "Great. Another day ruined" we get up and I leave some tip on the table.

"Here we go" we both say at the same time as we step out. Camera's flashing in every directions and I can tell that Lizzie is getting a little uncomfortable. I can feel her tense up a little so I reach behind me and take her hand.

We cover our faces as we're almost to my car until someone said 'hey, move it'. I looked around to see what was happening. "Scar, on your left" Lizzie whispers in my ear.

I look to my left and see a girl laying on the floor trying to get up. "Excuse me, sorry" I say as I push the people aside to get to the girl. I hear her groan as she tries to get up.

Camera's are still flashing and it's getting annoying. "Guys, I know this is your job but can you please leave?" I ask as nice as I can. "Yeah" people mumble around us and eventually leave.

"You okay?" I ask the girl. She looks up at me mumbles a small 'yeah'. "Here let me help you" I offer my hand and she gladly takes it.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie ask the girl. "Yeah-shit! I need to go" she says to herself and runs off like nothing happened.

I look over at Lizzie. "That was weird" she tells me as we get in my car. "Yeah well, have you seen yourself?" I tease her.

"Scarlettttt, stop it" she whines. I chuckle and buckle myself up and drive off to drop Lizzie off but before I had to get some gas.

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