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Scarlett's pov

"She's going to need the surgery" the doctor, Anna, spoke. "Okay. Do it then" I tell her but she shakes her head. "If we do it, she may or may not make it" I freeze. "What do you mean?" Lizzie ask pulling me into her. "She has this thing and with that, it's possible that she won't make due to use going to have to go around it and do the surgery. It may affect her" I eyes are watering now.

"Is there another way?" Lizzie ask her. "I believe not. We need to the surgery as fast as we can. The more we wait, the better chance she has to dying" why did she say it like that. "Just do it" I told her. "Scar, do you-" I cut her off. "Yes! They have to do it" I wipe my tears away and tried calming down.

"She'll be okay" I keep telling myself this. She has to or else, what's the point on living? She's the one who had me going. "Hey, breath" Lizzie cups my face and makes me look at her. "Breath" I nod my head and take deep breaths. "She will be okay" she keeps telling me. I just hope she is.

Camillia's pov - few weeks later

Who is crying?

That's all I hear.

I feel like I died five times in one day. "She should be waking up soon" someone spoke. I felt someone squeeze my hand and kissing my cheek. "I love you okay and I want you to wake up so that we can binge watch all you stupid movies you love" I opened my eyes but immediately closed them.

"I want to make you my daughter, officially so please...wake up for me" she's crying. I open my eyes once more and dealt with the bright light. "Someone shut that off" I whisper, pulling my hand up to my face to cover my eyes.

"Mia" I look over and see Scarlett with tears stained cheeks. "Hi" she gets up and immediately brings me into a hug. And there's more tears. She pulls back and looks at me. "You okay! Oh my god I thought you were leaving me" she pulls me back into a hug.

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to check on Camillia to make sure she's okay" a doctor said walking in. "Okay" she pulls way from the hug and sits next to me. She takes my hand in hers and smiles.

Lizzie's pov

These past few days, Scarlett has been a mess. I didn't know what was going but things started to get out of hand. By that I mean...she started drinking thinking that Mia was going to die. I mean it was a 50/50 chance but I knew she would make it. It's Mia we're talking about.

I had to stay with her every night since that's when she drank. She went to the hospital seeming like she was okay but on the inside, she wasn't. After crying for hours, she went home and drank.

I texted Scarlett many times to check up on her but she hasn't answered which means she could be hurting herself or drinking once again. I groan and get in the car. I rush to her house but her car wasn't there so she must be at the hospital.

I drove there and ran to Mia's room. I barge in not even thinking of what I was saying. "Scarlett you better not be hurting yourself or drinking. She's okay I promise and she will-" I stop noticing that they were both looking at me with wide eyes.

Oh shit. Scarlett looked like she regretted doing all those things and Mia is looking at her in shock. "You did what?" I heard Mia's soft voice filling the room. "Nothing, honey" she wipes a tear that apparently rolled down her face.

"Um...how are you feeling?" I bring a chair over to the bed and sit down. "Good I guess. My ribs still hurt a little" I nod and smile at her. "How long was I...you know" I sigh and take her hand. "It's been a few days" she groans. "I have so much school work I'm going to pass out" I chuckle trying to make her feel better but she just glared at me.

So we all sat there, talking about random stuff. I kept an eye on Scarlett. I could tell she wasn't herself but Mia didn't notice. But she will be okay. I'll make sure of it.

Camillia's pov

I finally got cleared and I could go back to Scarlett's. Thank god because I was getting bored and the smell made me sick. "Here, let me take those for you" Scarlett comes up to me and takes my bags. She's been acting a little weird in a ad way. It's like she's a whole different person and I don't like it.

She then walks away leaving me and Lizzie alone. "What's wrong with her?" I ask as she leads me to the car. "Nothing. She just needs rest" I don't believe her but I guess I'll have too. "Can I still go to school tomorrow?" I ask making my way to the car and opening the back door.

"I-um. I don't know if you should" Scarlett is in her own world right now. Something is really wrong with her. "Okay" I'm going to school. I want to see my favorite teacher. Ms. Ashley. "Buckle up" Scarlett spoke and I did what I was told.

She drove Lizzie home then drove to her house. We got out and she opened the door and oh my god. It's a mess in here. "Um what happened in here? It's like wild animals were here" she sighs and kicks her shoes off. "I'll be in my office doing some paper works for the adoption" okay then.

I sigh and look around. I decided to clean up a little because this is giving me nightmares just to look at it. I cleaned the kitchen first and now I'm going to clean the living room but the door flew open making me yelp. 

I look over and see Cobie and Chris walking in. "What the hell happened in here?" Cobie spoke taking her shoes off. They didn't notice me I don't think. "Scarlett has been through hell when Mia was at the hospital" what does that mean?

"Is she okay now though?" the voices are getting closer and I just stand there. "I hope so" they walk in the living room and we made eye contact. We stood there staring at each other then Cobie came running towards me, pulling me into a hug.

"My favorite human is back!" she spins me around a little still making sure I'm not going to die. "But she's my bestie" Chris pulls her away from me and gently hugs me. "Not true" they were going to start an argument but I stopped them.

"Since you guys are here...you should help me clean up a little" I give them my best smile and they nod. I thank them and make my way to Scarlett's room to get something but the sight wasn't it. 

There was bottles on the floor. Not many but still some. Has she been drinking while I was in the hospital? Is that what they were talking about? I groan. I hate people who drink. It's not a good sign but Scarlett would never hurt me. Right?

I quickly grab the bottles and run to my room and hide it in my closet. Don't worry I'm not going to drink it trust me. I then rush back downstairs like nothing happened. I didn't see Chris or Cobie anywhere so I ran to where she keeps the drinks and grab them and run back upstairs to hide them.

If she's drinking then I need to hide these because last time...never mind. "What are you doing?" I jump and turn around to see Cobie crossing her arms. "Nothing" there's no way she believed me. "So why were you hiding alcohol in your closet?" I groan and tell her why.

"Let's pretend this never happened and don't tell her. I'm trying to help her if this is the problem" she slowly nods her head and we make our way downstairs to find Chris dancing with music blasting through the speaker.

"CHRIS! TURN THAT SHIT OFF RIGHT NOW!" Scarlett yelled from her office. "NO! MAKE ME!" he yelled back. I heard a door slam then her storming in the room disconnecting the phone to the speaker.

It was quiet now. She started rubbing her head and massaging it. "I need a drink" my eyes go wide. Before I know it, I was yelling. Ish. "Water! Drink water. I will also drink some water because it is good for you" she just looks at me like I'm crazy.

She shrugs and grabs some cups for us and pour some water in them. Chris, Cobie and I all sigh. This is going to be hell.

this chapter was shit yes I know

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