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So for the last two chapters or whatever I forgot that they were dating so don't listen to all of that thank you lmao

Camillia's pov

I'm currently on a phone call with my mom since I haven't really been updating her. She thought I died so she literally sent Chris to check up on us. When he did, he saw us all asleep so yeah...

Mia - yes mom I know
Scarlett - okay okay just be safe
Mia - okay, can I go now?
Scarlett- uh no I'm not done talking to you

I groan while Everly pulls me away from a pole. I almost ran into it. "Watch it" she whispers to me and I ignore her.

Mia - mom I gotta go I'll call you later i promise
Scarlett - okay stay safe love you
Mia - love you too

I hang up and jog after the group. "We should probably head back to the hotel to pack our stuff" I suggest since we're leaving tonight. "Yeah good idea" Myles spoke as he's eating a burger. Where did he even get that from?

We walked to our hotel and up to our rooms. We packed everything and then we just laid in bed till we had to leave. "Guys, let's go" Myles comes walking into our room with his stuff. "Okay" 

We grab our stuff and meet downstairs so that Chris can take us back to the airport. "Stay safe and text me when you land" I nod and we all hug him. 

On the way back, I sat with Everly this time since I promised her last time. She says that we need to have our girl moment. Whatever that means...

We finally landed, I texted Chris telling him that we're still alive. Mom picked us up and it's like she hasn't seen me in years. It's weird.

Few weeks later

Megan's pov

I haven't talked to Mia in a while. She hasn't been answering me or even showing up to school which concerns me and her friends. She's not like this so it's a little strange.

"Should we like maybe go check on her?" Myles ask as we all walk back home. Everly came along since they had homework to finish.

"Don't you have stuff to work on?" I told him. "I'll go and see if she's okay. I'll let you guys know" I told them and left and hopped in my car.

I quickly drive to her house and get out of my car. I rush to the door and knock. I wait patiently for someone to answer.

"Hi honey" Scarlett says opening the door for me and bringing me inside. "Thank god you're here. Cam hasn't come out of her room in days and I'm worried. She said that she'll only talk to you" I nod and thank her then go up to her room.

"Mia?" I open the door to see her sitting on her bed, watching a show. "Yeah?" she doesn't even look up from the tv. "You okay? We're all worried about you" I sat down next to her.

"Meg, you can't be here" she whispers to me. I frown and look at her. I pause her show since she's too busy focusing on that.

"Why? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" she sighs and looks at me. "Liking me is what you did wrong" she sniffles as my jaw drops.

She stands up and walks out the room. I obviously followed to see what she's going to do. "Mom I'm going out" that's all she said before walking out.

It was now raining. "Where are you going? Can we talk about this?" I ask after we've been walking for a while. She finally stopped and that's when I notice that she has been crying.

Her hair is all wet, making her look hot as hell. Not the right time. "Why do you even like me so much?" she ask as she wipes her tears. "Because, I-" she sighs and shakes her head. "I knew they were right" what's that suppose to mean?

"What's that suppose to mean?" she looks up at me. Pain in her eyes. "They told me that you were only using me" I frown. "Who told you that?" she rolls her eyes and sniffles. "See? You're not even denying it"

"Camillia, I swear I know nothing about this I promise" I try to get closer to her but she backs away. "I can't be with someone who will use me and leave. I don't want to be one of those girls you bring home after parties"

"Mia, please listen to me" she backs away once more since I tried touching her. "Eyes up. Look at me" she shakes her head so I use my fingers to guide her to look up.

"Please don't believe any of them. They're just doing that to make our life miserable" I can still feel the pain in her eyes.

"But why should I trust you? After what they told me I don't know if I can" now I'm crying. "Give me a reason why I should believe you" easy. I know this is early to say this to her but I need to. I've been wanting to tell her this for a while now.

I take a deep breath before telling her "te amo" she just looks at me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. "No" I heard her whisper as she tried pulling away from me.

"Te amo, Mia. Please believe me" I pull away to see her broken inside. What happened to my Mia?

Camillia's pov

Te amo? Don't it mean I love you?

"Megan...don't say something that you don't mean" she pulls me back into the hug. "I do mean it. You don't have to say it but just know that I love you" I nod against her chest.

After a while, we pull back and I look up at her. "Were you going to break up with me?" she ask with a smirk. "Nooooo" I was thinking about it. Well...thinking of nothing. I don't know why I believe those girls.

"I'm sorry" I mumble and she just smiles at me. "Do you want to go back home or come to mine? Your friends are worried about you" she pulls me away and takes my hand and squeezes it.

"Can I go home first to change? I'm cold" she chuckles and nods. "Come on" she bends down so I can jump on her back. I wrap my arms around her neck and snuggle against her. How is she so warm?

"You comfy up there?" I nod and snuggle even closer to her if that's even possible. Soon we arrived at my house and we quickly went upstairs so I can take a shower.

We both hop in the shower to warm up then get dressed. After we went downstairs to see mom and Lizzie chatting in the living room. "Mom, we're leaving" I walk up to her and hug her.

"Where are you two going?" Lizzie ask as I hug her too. "Megan's. I'll probably sleep over if that's okay" mom nods her head but gets up and pulls me away from the others.

"What's up?" I ask while looking at her. She's acting weird. "Have you two had sex yet?" She whispers. My jaw dropped. "Mom! Oh my god" she just stands there waiting for my answer.

"No we didn't. Now can we drop this because this is awkward" she chuckles and pulls me into a another hug. "If you ever have questions about anything you can ask me or something just don't search it up. I learned that the hard way" I chuckle.

She kisses my head and pulls away. "Be good" I nod and we walk out to go join the others. 

Tonight was interesting. Almost broke up with my Megan because of some stupid comments, Myles crushing me to death when I saw him, Everly wouldn't let go of me thinking that I'll probably disappear again. 

So yeah...

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