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Thank you blackwidowpoison for this amazing idea coming up ❤️❤️❤️

Camillia's pov

I read the whole thing.

She wants to adopt me.


I can't help but cry. I turn to her and smile. She seems stressed but soon relaxes when she sees my face. "You want to adopt me?" I whisper just to make sure this isn't a joke. "Yes but only if you want me too" I smile so wide that it hurts. I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her to death. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" she chuckles and I nod my head.

"Yes please" I let her go and she has tears in her eyes. "Okay then. That's settled now bed time" I groan. I wasn't really tired now but I should go to bed. "Can I sleep with you?" I mumble and she just smiles. "Sure, birthday girl" I chuckle and follow her out, with my phone in my hand. I got comfy in her bed while she brushed her teeth. She soon jumped in bed next to me and looked what I was doing on my phone.

"What are you doing?" she ask as I snap some people. "Doing my streaks" I show her and she nods. "Let me be in them" I nod my head and we do a selfie and I send them to everyone. We both lay down in silence until she broke it. "Do you have any homework?" she looks at me waiting for an answer.

"No. I finished but I do have work tomorrow" I inform her totally forgetting about my work. "I'll drive you but you don't need to work if you don't want to you know" she tells me and I look at her seeing if she's being for real or not. "How am I going to make money then?" I frown. "Listen. I got a bank account all set up for you and all that fun stuff so there's money already in there" my jaw drops to the floor.

"Close your mouth and I'm not saying that you have to stop working but there's money already saved up for you" I nod and hug her. "Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me" I mumble into her. She starts to play with my hair. "So...how much money do I have in there?" I really want to know. It's probably like a hundred dollars or something but boy was I wrong.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me" she showed me and I almost fainted. "Scar, that's too much. That's worth my whole life and more" I confess to her. "Shhhhh. Let's go to bed" I groan knowing she won't let me give it all back. "Fine" I snuggle up against her. She's warm and it feels nice. I finally have someone who cares about me.

Scarlett's pov

The weekend was amazing. She finally got the last gift on Saturday and she starting crying. I got her the car she always wanted which made her tear up. I told her that she deserves it. She wouldn't stop thanking me the whole day. It was kind of annoying.

It was now Monday and she had school. She can't drive her car until she has her license which she's going to take after school. I hope she passes because we have been practicing a lot. She drives better than me. And probably safer since I drive like I'm in fast and furious but whatever.

I'm currently parking the car in front of the school. I sat there waiting for her to get out but she wouldn't. I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I ask placing my hands over here that we're shaking like crazy. "What if I don't pass the test? Then you will have to drive me around all the time" she rambled and I roll my eyes.

"Don't say that and you will pass. I failed the test like five times because I actually got it" she laughs at that making me smiles. "I'll meet you at the driving place. Sarah will be waiting after school then you'll start from there" Sarah is her instructor. "Okay" I look behind her and see her friends waiting patiently for her.

I wave at them and they wave back with huge smiles on their faces. "You do great" I kiss her cheek and she blushes. "Now go or else you're going to be late for class" she nods and gives me a quick hug and gets out of the car.

I wait till she gets inside then drive off to set.

Camillia's pov

Today was supposed to be a good day. I'd go for my test and hopefully pass then Scarlett would probably take me out after. I was excited for that until Rayna McAllen has to show up.

I'm walking in the hallway minding my own business when she came up to me and shoved me up against a locker. I sigh not ready for this. "What do you want Rayna?" I ask nicely while trying to ignore the other kids surrounding us.

"I want to end you. Because of your little friends, they got me off the basketball team" she growls at me. "You deserve it" I mumble making her throw a punch. I groan grabbing my check. That hurt like hell. "Now you're going to pay" I sigh once more getting ready for hell. Hell is what I got.

I fell to the floor. Felt her kicking me everywhere. Probably have a broken rib, a black eye, nose bleed and much more. Love that. "Rayna! Principal office now!" Ms. Snow shouted while taking her off of me. "Bitch" Rayna said before leaving.

"You okay?" Ms. Snow ask helping me up. I shake my head and started crying. "Mia!?" I heard my friends rush towards me and kneel in front of me. "What happened?" They both asking out of breath. "Rayna" I mumble as I wipe my nose on my sleeve. "Follow me. We'll call Scarlett" my friends help me walk to the office and I sat on a chair, laying my head on Myles while playing with Everly's fingers. Waiting for Scarlett to pick me up.

Scarlett's pov

I just arrived to set when I got a phone call form Mia's school telling that she got injured. "I have to go. Like right now" I tell Chris since he was the closest one here. "Let me come" Lizzie offers. I know that I can't say no to her so I let her.

We rush to my car and drove to the school. Once arrived, we both rushed out to go see her. They told me that she would be in the office. "What happened?" I ask looking at her. Black eye, nose bleeding. She's holding on to her ribs. "You look like shit" Lizzie says making me slap the back of her head.

"It hurts to breath" she speaks making me act quick. "Your going to the hospital" I told her and helped her up. "Who did this to her!?" Lizzie raised her voice asking the principal. "Rayna McAllen" he simply says like it's nothing. "So your just going to let this Rayna chick walk away like nothing happened?" Holy shit. Never heard her like this. Kind of scary.

"We contacted her parents and we're going to give her detention for this-" he got cut off my Lizzie slamming her hands on the table. "No! She will be expelled for what she did to my kid and I don't care what she has to say. Don't make me come back here and do a whole scene" she warns him. "Yes ma'am" she rolls her eyes and makes eye contact with me.

Her face softens a little. "What just happened?" I heard Everly ask. "Don't know but I'm here for it" Myles answered back. I roll my eyes and check up on Mia. "It really hurts" she clings to me making my heart break. I know Lizzie just called her her kid but that doesn't matter right now.

"Let's go" I pick her up carefully and lead her out of the school, to the car. I laid her down in the backseat with Lizzie holding onto her. "Does this mean I can't take my test?" She starts hyperventilating and it's not good. She's going to herself even more now.

"Baby, you need to breath. Don't worry about the test right now okay?" I tried calming her down as I rush to the hospital. "But I waited my whole life for this and- owww fuck it hurts" I ignore the curse word for now. "Babe, you have to breath" Lizzie starts to play with her making her calm down a little.

I park in the parking lot when I heard Lizzie speak. "Mia? Don't close your eyes. Open them for me please?" Her voice cracked making me look back. "She's not waking up" shit. I unbuckle myself and rush to her side carefully taking her out and rushing her inside with Lizzie hot behind me.

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now