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few weeks later...

Camillia's pov

"Ashley" I whine as I walk up to her desk. "Yes?" she's definitely annoyed by me by now. "Did I ever tell you that I caught my mom and you sister you know...doing it" she looks up at me. "Yeah I know" how?

"I was the one who told her to make a move" I sigh and pull up a chair next to her. It's lunch time right now and Myles and Everly are doing an exam that they missed. And Megan has a basketball team meeting that is taking forever.

So here I am. Messing around with my favorite teacher and my moms girlfriend's sister. Actually. They aren't official yet but might as well be.

"Why are you here?" she ask marking some papers. "To hang out with you. Duh" a sigh of disapproval left her mouth. "So what's up with you and that Megan girl?" she stops her marking to pay attention to me.

"Why?" she raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm curious" I sigh and search through her lunch kit to see what I can steal from her. I found an apple so I'm going to eat it.

"I don't know. She told me that she loves me a couple weeks ago and that she has ever since we met. I mean...I don't blame her" that made Ashley laugh.

"I've never seen you this happy before. Well except for the adoption day" I think back and yeah. I can see it now. She makes me happy. "Does she make you happy? Does she treat you right?" the thing about Ash, she's protective over me ever since that incident.

"Yes and yes" I felt myself blush just thinking of her. "Lunch is going to end soon. Do you want anything else" she ask grabbing her lunch kit and handing it to me. I shake my head and stand up.

"Are you still coming over?" she then ask as I put the chair back. "Yeah but can Megan come?" I give her those eyes. "Of course" I give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We then heard the door open and a Megan running in, out of breath. "Babe, I'm here" she crouches down to catch her breath. Ash had to give me this look that she heard her call me 'babe' but I ignore her.

"Aren't you team captain of the basketball team?" I ask her as she walks over to me and gives me this look. "Yeah. Your point?" I roll my eyes at her. "Bye Ash. See you tonight" I wave goodbye at her and leave with Megan following me.

"What's tonight?" Megan ask as we walk to her locker to get her stuff. Let's mess around shall we? "Ash is introducing me to someone who thinks they would be good for me" I smirk noticing her face.

"No. Your mine. We are hanging out tonight and that's that" she slams her locker shut and glares at me. "But what if I want to meet him and maybe date him?" that made her mad. "Then go be with him then!" she kind of yell making people turn but look away immediately.

I shrug and walk the other way. She's going to run back to me in three...two....one. "Are you really going to go tonight?" I smile and turn around. "Well yeah" she looks hurts.

I feel bad now. I cup her face and lean up, since I'm shorter than her, and kiss her lips. "I'm actually hanging out with the twins and I'm inviting you" she takes a deep breath and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Don't do that. I was scared" I poke her side to make her laugh and she does. "I need to ask you a question and I can't wait till later" she ushers me to my locker so that I can get my own stuff.

"Shoot" she takes a deep breath while I unlock my locker. I then grab some books at the other things I will be needing. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" she fiddles with her rings. "No" I smile hoping she would think it's a joke but god no.

"Oh okay" I grab her face and kiss her lips. "Of course I want too" she beams and pulls me into another hug. "Enough with the hugging" I giggle. "Mia! Did she finally had the balls to ask you?" Myles shouts while running down the hall with Everly hot behind him.

"Yes!" we all jump together. "Mr. Brown!" the principal shouts making us all turn around. "Isn't that rude to call me brown?" Megan covers my mouth knowing that I would laugh.

"Well I-no" Megan is looking into my eyes begging me not to laugh. "Don't you dare" she whispers as she pulls me into her. "That's racist. On black history month?" Everly comments making the principals face turn bright red.

"Do you need something, sir?" Megan ask as nice as she could. "No um. Continue to whatever you were doing" he says and rushes away. "Let's get to class" Everly says leading the way.

Megan took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I look down and smile. "Oh hey Max, Oliver" I look up to see them walking our way. "Hey. I see you finally asked the question" Max says and I blush. Fuck him.

"You alright? That was a hard punch you made last night" Oliver says making Myles and Everly look at me with a questionable look. I may or may not have told them. I definitely did not tell them.

To be fair, I was going to tell them at lunch but they left me so. "It's alright. Doesn't hurt that much now. Thank you for asking" he's actually really nice. So is Max. We can be really good friends even tho they are a year older.

"Good. Well, we should get going to class right Meg?" Max ask and I hear her sigh. "I'll walk her to class then I'll be there" they both nod and walk away. "You don't have to walk me to class everyone" I tell her as we make our way to my class.

"Do you not want me too?" I shake my head. "No it's just that you have your own class and friends that you haven't hung out with so I just thought-" I got cut off by her kissing my cheek then leaving me there. By myself. Once again.

"You bitch!" I yell making her laugh and jog to her class. God what am I going to do with her?

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