Chapter35: Priorities

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The boy stood behind his mother, clinging to her as he listened to the adults talk.

"To the graveyards?", Mikoto asked. Fugaku nodded, a smile coming onto his face. Itachi was left with Shisui's family, and they immediately set off. They visited Mika's grave and then that of Uchiha Kagami, her husband. All the while, Tama was wailing. She only fell silent when they reached Hono's grave, but she wasn't better yet. It was Tomoe's when they reached Tomoe's grave that she became completely better. From then on, they would take her on a montlhy trip to a shrine at the top of a mountain in a Uzushoigakure. She would have odd episodes but they weren't as bad. Those would finally stop when Mikoto finally took her to the old Uchiha Clan compound.

Tama kept that tradition even after her parents deaths, making sure to also visit the Uchiha clan ruins.

As Fugaku explained it, when they were children, Hono had a similar illness. Whenever his birthday came around, he would fall into a death-like sleep, only to awake hours later, screaming and fighting. Often times, Kazui was away, and Mika would come to the main house for help. Little could be done.

Mika, being Mito's niece, finally turned to her terribly ill aunt for help, and the woman watsed no time in doing so. She had the third Hokage arrange a trip to the ruins of Uzushoigakure, and as much as he was reluctant, he did as she asked.

By this time, Lord Uzumaki Ashina was long dead, and Mito's siblings' families were foced to move away due to overbearing pressure from those who were against their clan. Mika was devastated to know that her siblings and cousins were out there somewhere, possibly being abused and mistreated, but having upset the Senju clan by baring Uchiha children, there was little she could do.

The shrine was dedicated to the founders of the clan, and upon entering it, Tama immediately became better. It was only after returning to Konoha that Mito finally, would pass away after dividing the Kyuubi between Mika and a twelve year old Kushina.

Mika would take young Kushina under her wing after the woman's passing, and continued to teach her from where Mito left off. Hono was only eleven years old then, but he trained alongside the older girl until her mother passed away.

Of all this, Tama was painfully aware. She made sure that she learned of all that happened before her birth. That way, she knew what to avoid and what not to. That way, she knew what to learn and wasn't important to her. It hurt, knowing about these people yet not having had the chance to experience them. At least Kushina was there for her while she had the chance.

"Nee-san, you haven't touched your food.", Karin pointed out. Naruto nodded, humming in agreement next to Akira. Sasuke looked at her worriedly, but said nothing.

"Are you okay?", Karin asked from beside her bed. Tama smiled and nodded. She was okay, there was just a lot on her mind. She picked up her chopsticks and began eating. Still, her thoughts ran wild.

Sasuke's curse mark was getting out of control, he was obviously considering going with Orochimaru. She barely arrived in time to knock the boy unconscious before he agreed to go.

Naruto's seal was starting to weaken, the Kyuubi was starting to manipulate him. He was good enough at maintaning chakra consciousness that he at least stayed in control. However, that wouldn't last for long.

Akira's chakra crystalised at the barrier after surging and breaking her seal. Karin was clearly shaken, because everyone was tense and she didn't know why.

"I need to talk to you kids.", Tama finally said, cutting through the thick tension. They all looked up at her, not quite meeting her cool gaze. She looked at Naruto, studying every detail of his expression. "Naruto-kun, did you hear anything when you fought against the red haired boy?", she asked.

Naruto pondered and then shook his head. Tama sighed in relief at this, but she didn't dare hope. Hope was often the killer of her strength.

"I didn't...", Naruto began, his gaze not meeting her's. Her stared at his bowl. "But it felt like something woke up inside of me, dattebyō.", he said carefully. Tama nodded, this was to be expected. When she was younger, she witnessed the Kyuubi through Kushina. Once she acquired her Sharingan, the woman used it to train her. The purpose being to learn how to manipulate it in case something happened, and also to produce a Sharingan powerhouse. She had interacted with the beast a few times, and learned that it was just a mass of pure chakre. She was always shocked out of her wit when it spoke.

"Don't worry about what you felt inside you. I'll help you figure it out until you can get proper help. Alright?", she promised. Naruto nodded, a bright smile coming onto his face.

"Of course, you always make a plan, so I'll put my trust in you, dattebayō.", he beamed. Indeed she would help him, but there was only so much she could do. The legendary Toad Sage would probably take the boy. With this thought in mind, she turned her gaze to Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun, does the seal hurt?", she asked, looking worriedly at her morose little brother. Sasuke nodded, turning his rather empty gaze to meet her's. He said nothing as he moped over his dish. Tama sighed, running a hand over her face. Sasuke was one child who needed the most careful guidance.

"Sasuke-kun, we'll work on that seal, too. Alright?", she whispered, a hand on his shoulder. Sasuke nodded again, his frown not shifting one bit. She looked away, it would be a long life indeed.

After supper, Tama pulled Naruto to the side as Sasuke, Karin and Akira cleaned up.

The boy watched curiously as she reached into her bag. She pulled something out, which was wrapped in paper, and handed it to the boy.

"I've been delaying giving this to you. I hope you still want it.", she said. Naruto blinked his wide, confused eyes at her, and carefully took it in his hands. He immediately unwrapped it, excited, and gasped once it came into view.

"The mask from three years ago, dattebayō! Nee-chan, you remembered! No way!", he cried, tears seemed to be on the verge of spilling from his eyes as he threw himself into his arms.

"I know how much it means to you, Inu was a good person. I would know, he was a good friend of mine as well.", she said as she took the boy in her arms.

"Inu?", the boy asked, confused. Tama nodded.

"Inu was the Anbu that wore this mask.", she said. Naruto beamed,hus cheeks flushing a beautiful bright pink.

He had encountered this Inu on a cold night, when he was too reluctant to go back home. What had happened was, the boy had run out of food, and was out of cash. Afriad to tell the Hokage, he went to the river and, instead, fished. On his way back home, Inu suddenly appeared in his path, and seeing him soaking wet with a fresh fish in his hands, he wasn't impressed. He would visit Naruto every once in a while, with food and essentials. One day, he stopped and while he was confused, Naruto didn't hold it against him, he never forgot him.

He saw the mask one day, when passing by the shop, three years ago. It was on that fateful day that Tama came into his life.

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