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Saturday , 30th of March 24 weeks & 4 daysOr6 Months

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Saturday , 30th of March
24 weeks & 4 days
6 Months

DRACOS POV / 3rd person

"Dumbledoor." I say loud enough for him to hear me before he enters his office. "I was wondering if we could discuss something?"

Dumbledoor look over my face very closely before looking at his watch. "Well I suppose we have time. Potions doesn't start for another 15 minutes." One of his sly grins is plastered on his face. He quickly makes it up the stairs into his office with me tailing after him.


"Well I was wondering if I could take my studies home with me instead of staying here for the next 2 months. I could study for the next week straight before taking my N.W.E.T's. And then I could go home and study all the stuff I'll miss. I'm an excellent student and I'm ahead of the lessons. I'm actually studying 7th years stuff right now." I try my best to give him no option to decline my request. "I even will send all my studying and work and the end of the week for my professors to grade."

Dumbledoor takes his time before saying anything. "Well... I suppose since you're already ahead of all the units in this year... it would be fine to go home. As long as you keep up with your work and just prioritize Miss Amabel with all your... free time." He looks down at a paper on his desk before looking back at me. "I'll go ahead and let your professors know that you will be at home or rather I say Miss Amabels house." He eyes me for an answer.

"Oh uh- I have no quite figured out when I will be staying." I haven't said a word to this about my parents nor Demi.

"Alright then." He looks back down at the palates sitting on his desk. "You might be late to class if you don't go now." He doesn't move his eye from the desk.

I quickly scoot back. "Thank you." I respond before getting the hell out of there. I ran straight to my dorm and started packing things. I needed time to study and not worried about packing.


"So why are you going home?" Theo asked from across the dinning table. His faces frowned as he looked at me.

"Y/n living alone and she's at a high risk pregnancy. Plus she's less than a year from turning 17. Someone has to be here while she goes through it." I kept my eyes down at my plate. I wasn't hungry, I was nauseous. My mind has been filled with worry ever since I figured out what was to come.

Everyone at the table lowered their heads at the reminder of what was to happen to y/n as she reached 17. Nothing good was to come. They had just hoped her mind would not crack under the stress and symptoms she would be experiencing as her birth date arrives.

Draco suddenly got up from the table. "I've got to study for my N.W.E.T's." He mumbled. He didn't have to study. He was at the top of his class and knew almost everything.

Amabel (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now