36 | Hospital |

96 1 2

Friday, 8th of March
20 weeks & 3 days
5 months and 3 days

My world feels like it's crashing and I'm taking my babies with me. I can't not take them with me cause I have no control over it. They didn't ask to be placed into this world that is nothing but pain and misery.

"Miss Amabel? Did you hear what I said?" The doctor brings me out of my thoughts. After Draco took me to St Mungo's, I've been poked and prodded with needles and wires just to make sure the babies are ok.

"Sorry what did you say?" I didn't hear a thing he said at all. My mind has been somewhere else since I came out of my room and ran into Abbott.

"Well you babies are in fetal distress since your panic attack earlier. And we're monitoring closely to make sure your not going into early labor or anything starts looking unusual. But with the circumstances of you pregnancy, there is a lot of unusual things. So In the mean time, we will hope the medicine will help reduce the fetal stress and make up stress decrease." The doctor takes one more look at the chart. "Your family is here and your fiancé would like to see you, but if your not feeling comfortable right now to talk to someone, you don't have to." The doctor try's to reassure me with a smile. It's not working.

The only person I want to see is Draco. He knows what to do to help me. He's always been here when I need help. He knows me and understands me. "Can you send in Draco Malfoy?" I ask hoping he's here. "The man that brought me here."

"Family only, visiting hours are currently over." The doctor try's to dismiss the possibility of Draco seeing me.

"He's the baby's dad. He's family." I explain hoping he'll let him see me.

The doctor looks at me for a second before he decides. "I'll go get him." He looks at me one more time before walking out of the room.

🎶Stolen Dance by Milky Chance🎶

It feels like hours until someone comes through the door. Draco rushes through the door like it's on fire. "Oh y/n." He says as he walks over to the side of my bed. "I am so so sorry. You don't deserve any of this." He kisses the top of my head and rubs his thumb across my forehead. I want to speak to him but I can't. I don't know how or what to talk about. So we just sit in silence for what it feels like hours.

I finally look at him. He's always had a beautiful cheekbone and the most glossy grey eyes I've ever seen. I've never noticed the features on his face until now.

"You've always been by my side no matter what." My eyes start to tear up and the back of my throat starts to ache.

Draco squeezes my hand. "I'll always be by your side. No matter what." He bends his head down to kiss my hand. "Always." He keeps a tight grip on my hand like he's scared once he loosens his grip I'll slip away.

"Do you want to see anyone else? Everyone here right now and they want to know if your ok. You don't have to see them if you don't want to ." He assures me.

I shake my head no. "No I don't want to see anyone right now, but I know they'll just worry if I don't see them." I look around the room like it will give me answers, Hoping something will give me answers. "Send in your parents." I look at Draco and assure him that I'd be ok with it.

"Alright. I'll go get them." He stands up and kisses my forehead before leaving the room. I wish he didn't leave but I know he will at one point. Spring breaks over in 2 days and then I'll be alone in my house. A house my fiancé cheated on me in. I wince at the thought of cheating. Me and Draco both  got cheated on with the people we were supposed to marry, very funny.

Amabel (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now