24 | Neville |

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Draco Malfoy POV
Song: I feel like I'm drowning by Two Feet (I'll put 🎶 next to the place where you need to start you music.)

Life has been one big mother fucking roller coaster. And I'm not a fan of them at one bit. You ever heard of the muggle saying the boy who cried wolf? Well that my whole fucking life except I'm not the one that cries fucking wolf and tells lies, I'm stuck here with people thinking I'm stupid and don't need help cause I'm lying. But I'm fucking drowning. I'm so deep in the ocean I can't swim up. I need someone to same me before I have no air left. But no one's coming to save me cause I'm the boy who 'cried wolf'.

Y/n is engaged. The announcement was in the daily profit this morning. Everyone is buzzing about the wedding and the baby. I'm happy for her, but I can't help and think what would be happening if I stayed with her and married her like my father said I should. I bet I wouldn't be drowning.

She asked me one day if I thought I'd ever be in love and my answer was no because love isn't real it's just a figment of your imagination that blinds you from what it actually is, fear. She told me I was crazy and I shouldn't be thinking like that. But how are you going to act if someone tells you from the moment your a child till you get married that if you don't find someone, you'll be alone and hopeless. So that builds up in your mind that if you don't find someone to 'love' and for them to 'love' you to, you'll be nothing. So it becomes a fear.

I'm not crazy or mad. I just observe what's going on and think outa the box on things. But then again I might actually not be crazy, I'm actually mad because not most people think what I think.

What exactly would you do if someone burst into your potions class and kill every single god damn soul including there self? You don't have to answer that cause you don't know. And neither do I.

I promise you I'm not mad. I'm just stuck in my head. What else and I suppose to do. Even if I tried to talk to someone about my thought I can't even imagine where I'd start.

I get pulled from my thought by my girlfriend. Ex girlfriend. The love of my life. I guess you could say I'm in fear of ending up alone. Cause ever since I was younger I thought me and Y/n would end up together since we can't live without each other. But my actions said other wise.

"So you with her again?" Lilly asks as she stands over me in an empty common room.

I know who she's taking about. She seen me with y/n yesterday cause she can't keep her eyes off of me. "Who?"

"You know bloody hell who I'm talking about!" She yells at me.

"If your referring to y/n, then yes I was with her but no I'm not with her." She thinks she owns me.

"You know your not aloud to hang out with her!" She yells as she walks around the common room.

"You don't fucking own me Lilly!" I yell as I get up from my seat.

"Are you sure about that." She says as she stands pressing her chest against my chest looking right up at me.

Before I know it, her lips and my lips collide. Makeup sex it is. It always comes down to it. Every fight we have, ends up becoming an extremely rough few hour full of cunning comebacks and endless amounts of name calling. But at the end of the day, we have many of organism and that clears things up. It's just how we do things if yo u puke say.

"Baby." Lilly says as she's laying on my chest.

I don't know what she's going to ask. But it can't be good if we just had sex. "Yeah?"

"What if I tell you I'm pregnant?" She's blurts out.

She can't be pregnant. Y/n pregnant. Lilly can't be pregnant. If she is, I'm officially disowned. I can't have 3 kids at 16 years old.

"Your not pregnant." There's not emotion coming from my mouth.

"I'm pregnant believe it or not." She says as she crawls out of bed and puts he clothes on.

"It's not mine. I use a protection charm every time." She can't be pregnant. I'm amazing at charms and I never mess up a spell.

"Oh but I think you did." She smiles as she starts to head out the room.

"How far along are you?" I need to know.

"8 weeks."she smiles and leaves.

It's not mine. I was to deep in a depression state that I didn't leave my bed 8 weeks ago. She cheated on me while living in my house. She cheated on me and told me she was pregnant after we had sex. What?

I need fucking alcohol. And someone to talk to. I know the perfect person to call.


"Good evening Neville." I say as I sit down at the table at the three broomsticks.

"Good evening Draco. Everything alright?" He questions.

Me and Neville became close after 4th year. I don't know where or when we did but all the sudden when I needed someone to talk to I always came to him. And surprisingly I always helped him with his problems to.

I down my second butter beer before I start talking. "No not entirely."

"Alright spill then." Neville says as he flagged the waitress and orders a few more butter beers.

After I tell him the whole story about me and Lilly sand explain the recent events on me and y/n since he already knows 98% of the other stuff that happens with me and y/n.

"Wow man. I didn't know if was that serious. I thought you just wanted a second opinion if you should go see your shrink again." He says after he finishes his 8th butter beer.

"Got any advice for a friend?" I ask hopefully.

"Ok before I give you a plan. Do you ah e any idea who Lilly would cheat on you with?"

Yes actually a few. "Maybe a few."

"Ok, I know your Draco Malfoy for a reason. Figure out where the guys where 8 weeks ago and see if they could of got in contact with Lilly for a little bit. Then confront her about it. Demand her to get a pregnancy test and then if she actually is pregnant, demand a dna test once the babies born." Neville finishes.

"You are literally give the best advice Longbottem." I say as I give him a hug.

"I know I am. But if you need any help on this little problem of yours, I'm always here and you know my specialty's." Neville says as we stand outside if the Three Broomsticks beofre we part ways.

Who thought the worst Slytherin would become friends with the friendliest Griffindoor ever.

Words: 1206

Did you expect Draco and Neville to be friends?

Do you think Lilly is actually pregnant?

Do you think she cheated on Draco?

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