33 | Baby clothes |

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Friday, 8th of March
20 weeks & 3 days
5 months and 3 days

Draco runs from the other side of the store a shoves something in my face.  "They would look so good in these matching Slytherin onesies." Draco's eyes are full of excitement as he holds up the green Slytherin outfit he found in the shop.

"Are you sure they'll be in Slytherin?"  I tease him. Of corse they'll be in Slytherin, both sides of our families have been in Slytherin.

All he does is roll his eyes in response and throws the outfit in the basket before walking off to find another one.

While he's looking for baby clothes, I'm looking for some maternal clothes to help me look like I'm pregnant and not just fat. I've found 2 dresses, 5 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of leggings, and 4 shirts. That should be enough going out in public outfits until I grow more.

I finish looking in the maternity section and start to walk over to Draco. I notice he's has a basket full of clothes that look like the babies will be off to Hogwarts and already sorted as soon as they pop outa the womb.

"How many outfits are you going to get them Merlin!" I look at Draco dumbfounded and impressed. Normally I'm like this since I have a shopping addiction. It feels strange not loading everything into my basket when I walk into a shop.

"Well I thought since my parents will want to see the babies a lot, I could keep some spare clothes at the Malfoy manor just incase the twins ruin their clothes that were packed." He try's to convince me that's the reason he's buying all these baby clothes.

"You know if you wanna be in the babies life just say so. You can anytime you want but once the meet you for the first time, your staying. It won't be like how it is now since you can back out anytime you want with no consequences. There will be consequences if you do back out when their babies." I stare at him hoping he will understand what I'm trying to say.

He nods his head and looks down at the basket full of clothes. " I know and I will be the best father they will ever have. I'm not gonna try cause I will be no matter what. They don't deserve what I had as a kid. They deserve what I dream to give them and more." He places the clothes he had in his hand into his basket and smiles.

"Thank you Draco. This means so much to me, you don't understand." I look at his basket one more time being breaking out into a fit of laughter. "Why so many clothes?" I hardly say.

I line forms on his forehead from confusion. "Well they might want to change for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can never be yo careful with how many clothes you have." He try's to sneak in one more outfit with out me noticing.

"Alright alright that's it. Will be bloody broke before we make it to the counter if we stay her for a minute longer." I giggle. "Let's go pay." I nod my head on the direction to the counter.

Draco try's to look a little longer but I grab him buy the arm and force him to walk with me to go pay.

"Wait but I didn't look at that rack of clothes!" He try's to argue with me. Yes he did look at that rack, he got almost every outfit on it.

"You'll have to come back but you mum will have to supervise you. Wait never mind she has a spending problem too. Lucius will have to supervise you." I say as I put all the clothes on the counter.

Draco just rolled his eyes as he puts his basket that's overflowing onto the counter. "They probably already have two closets full of clothes for each of them."

"Is that everything dear?" The women who checked me out last time asks.

"Yes. I think this will be the last time I come in here with him." I laugh and look over at Draco rolling his eyes.

"Oh, well dear at least you both love your children so much to get them all this." She smiles as she counts up the price of everything. "Kids are a blessing. Be thankful to have them." She smiles as she finishes adding everything together. "Alright dear, that will be £600."

"Yep I'm never taking you shopping again Malfoy." I shake my head as I grab my purse and look for my money.

Draco slaps my hand away from my purse. "Their my kids to. I get to pay pay for them. It's the least I can do." He grabs his wallet and gives the older lady the money.

"Ya know what, we're gonna have a shopping day once a week." I laugh at the thought of Draco going broke from buying all kinds of baby stuff.

"That I might have to agree on." He slightly laughs as he picks up most of the bags except for one. "I know you hate when I do all the work so I'll leave you one to carry." He smiled.

"What I gentleman." I laugh. "Well I guess your gonna have to walk me home to drop off all this stuff." I know Leo won't be home till later since he was gonna do some stuff with friends.

"Will Macmillan be there?" He asks as if he'll have to worry about explaining why he was hanging out with me today.

I shake my head no. "He's at his friends house. He had to pick something up and he decided to visit with them for a few hours." I say as we continue to walk down the street.

"Well are you ready to apparate to your house?" He asks as we turn the corner.

"Yeah I guess." I take Draco's arm that's almost completely full with bags. "Ever think of shrinking the bags?" I ask before we apparate.

"Where's the fun in that? Trying to be strong so I can help the boys be strong." He smiles down at me.

I just laugh before I apparate us to my house.


Words: 1103

I love Draco so much!! He's so baby girl!!!

I wish I could find a man like him and not my cheating ex's.

I would love to add more to this chapter but that would absolutely ruin this chapter.

I just wanna say, I'm sorry for the next chapter. I just wanted to warn y'all. Get ur tissues out if you have an attachment to Leo/Ernie. The next chapter will be posted a day or two after this one is posted. But I can't say when cause rn I'm working on it and a few chapters before this one have not been posted yet.

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