31 | Friends |

68 1 0

Thursday, 7th of March
20 weeks
5 months
Words: 1218

2 hours later. I have 6 people in my living room talking to Leo and catching up with whatever they have to catch up on. I would be down stars right now, talking and getting to know Leo's friends but instead I'm in the nursery rereading a letter for the hundredth time.

Dear y/n.
I know I haven't wrote you or anything but I want to discuss stuff with you in person. I know you probably don't want to talk about stuff that I've backed out on multiple times. But I think it's best we talk. Also I took my time since you told me you'd like for me to help name them. I think Scorpios and Sarin sound like beautiful names for them.

If your willing to meet then I'll be at Honeydukes tomorrow around 3. We can catch up and grab something to eat while we discuss stuff. I'd be nice to see you one on one and actually talk.

Sincerely D.M

I of course want to go meet up and talk but... i don't know. It sounds wrong. I know he wants to talk one on one but would Leo be ok with that. I know he's not been a fan of Draco since he's the baby daddy and he left me. What if I don't tell him? No that sounds like I'm hiding something. But if I do tell him then he'll want to come or he would be worried and probably wouldn't let me leave the house.

I'll just tell him before I go to bed tonight that I have to go to Hogsmeade to talk to friends and pick up so baby stuff. Then he'll most likely not want to come. Yep that's the plan.

The door opens which causes me to jump. "Hey, you ok?" Leo says as he enters the room. I quickly hide the letter in my pants.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff. That's all." I smile up at hime before changing the subject. "But I'm done thinking so I guess I should come join you all."

He nods his head. "If your ok with that." He moves out the way for me to walk out the room.


"Finally we get to see her!" Justin says as I enter the room full of other people. I decide to sit in the one open seat that's distanced from everyone.

Leo told me Justin, Cedric, Hannah, Susan, Wayne, and Zacharias we're gonna be here.

Although I haven't fully met most of them, I can already tell I like them. Hannah on the other hand, Merlin that girl is so obsessed with Leo. She's been all up on him since she got here.

Everyone introduces themselves in a polite manner like I have to accept them to continue being friends with Leo. Which I will not have any say with who he can hang out with.


"-and then he flys off the broom into my parents kitchen window causing me to go in the pond." Justin finishes telling a story about him and Leo.

" oh Merlin why haven't I known this!" I struggle to get out from laughing so hard. I look over at Leo and see him grinning while rolling his eyes.

"Because why would I want my fiancé to know embarrassing story's about me and never let me live it down." He giggles.

My laughing calms down. "Now why would I never let you live it down? I would only bring it up at... some moments." I try to hold my laughter in but I embarrassingly fail. He is right, I would never let him live it down.

Leo can't help himself but laugh at my comment because he knows what I'm saying is a lie.

"Alright we'll we better be off, we have have a party to go to." Hannah's tone sounds like she's rubbing it in.

"Ah I miss those days. But not anymore, be careful you don't wanna end up like my party 'mistake'." I smile at everyone like I'm about to cry.

"Aww sweetie don't cry. Your missing nothing but people trying to repopulate in-front of everyone and swapping saliva like a blood infusion." Justin giggles as he gives me a hug.

I wipe my tears while I giggle. "Yeah, that I am happy about." I look at everyone one more time before walking with them to the door. "It was great having company, your welcome anytime." I smile at everyone including Hannah.

She's been death staring me all night. Breath, Be the better person. Breath, Be the better person. I'm the better person.

I watch them all walk out past the apparition line and vanish beneath my eyes. I back up and close the door before walking into the living room to clean up.

"Ya know you could just call to-" he can't finish before I cut him off.

"No don't say her name. I'm trying to do stuff while I have the energy and she's not making me sit down and watch her do everything for me." I pick up so bowls that had chips in them and walk to the kitchen.

I finish cleaning up the dishes that were used by us and make my way back to the living room to rest and take a nap that I've been dreaming of since I woke up.

I never realized how much I loved taking naps until I got pregnant and always exhausted from the time I wake up till the time I take for 3rd nap of the day.

"I have to go to Wayne's house tomorrow morning to pick some stuff up that I left a few days ago. I should be back that evening since everyone will be there." He smiles as he sits down in the chair across from me. "You gonna be ok? I know you don't like leaving the house for a long period of time and need rest all the time." He picks up one of my feet and starts massaging it.

I've never been so relaxed in my life. My feet have been aching so bad lately to the point where I can't walk a lot. Thank Merlin for Topsy and Leo. Without them I don't what I would do to be able to survive without magic and just in general.

My eyes are closed due to the amazing feeling of relief off my feet. "Mhm yeah I'll be fine. But I will be heading to Hoggsmead at noon. I have to pick up some baby stuff and see a few of my friends that I haven't seen since before I left Hogwarts."

Leo just hums in response while he turns on his new favorite show greys anatomy and goes back to massaging my feet.

Before I know it I'm out like a light covered with my favorite blanket getting my feet massaged.


Hey guys. I lied about what I said in the last chapter. I didn't get 2 chapters done. Ive been working on this one since the last one I posted. Hopefully before I post this one I will have already gotten 1 done.

Remember I love y'all no matter what and thank you for reading. ❤️

Amabel (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now