29 | Ring |

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Wednesday, 6th of March
20 weeks
5 months

"I believe this is all of my stuff" I drop the cardboard box down on the couch in my new home and look around.

"Remover if you need anything that Topsy can't get you, have Topsy come get me and I'll bring it over or do whatever you need!" My father puts down another box. "We're 20 minutes away so if you need anything let me know." He comes over and hugs me.

"Yes I know. I only have two months here alone. Then Ernie will be here to help me." I smile hoping that will cause my father to stress less.

"Alright we'll I have to get to work and so does your mother. Be careful and please listen to Topsy if she says to relax or something. She knows what she's doing. Also tonight is the Malfoy spring ball. So you need to apparate there at 6. " He pulls me in for another hug.

"I know I'll be there. No need to worry." I say into the hug.

After my mother and father leave, I instruct Topsy where to put everything since I'm magic bound by my doctor. Which is very interesting cause I've used magic most of my life or someone else has done it for me. I feel helpless and unsafe without my wand.

The house is majestic and dark. It's honestly beautiful it so many ways. It's the perfect home to have a family in. I know my boys will love this house to grow up in. Especially since there is so much land outside for them to run around and play.

After I get everything put away I head up to my room and start getting ready for the ball. I feel very well today somehow and I'm extremely thankful for that. I need to see my friends tonight.

Topsy fixes my hair into a half up half down style and puts natural makeup on me since she can do wand-less magic.

"Miss Amabel is very beautiful today." Topsy finishes cleaning up the room.

"Thank you Topsy. Do I look good enough to go to a Malfoy ball?" I twirl around showing off my dress.

"Yes. Topsy thinks Miss Amabel looks perfect to go to a Malfoy ball." She smiles.

"Well I suppose it's time for me to apparate there. See you later Topsy." I head out the room and begin walking to the front door to leave.

I arrive right on time. Witches and wizards are already gathering around the front door to enter. I look around the area as I walk to the door and I can't see any of my friends right now. They must already be inside right now.

"Y/n! Welcome back, so glad you were feeling well enough to attend. You look beautiful." Cissi hugs me. "Draco and your friends are already in their in your corner of the room." She points over to them.

"Thank you." I nod my head and begin walking over there just to be stoped by my mother.

If looks could kill I would of been dead. "What in Merlin's beard are you doing!?" She mutters load enough for only me to hear it.

"Excuse me?"

"Why isn't your charm working?" She grabs ahold of my arm roughly enough for me to wince in pain.

"Ow your hurting me! Quit!" I jerk my arm out of her grasp. "I don't have to wear it if I don't want to!" I honestly forgot about it. It I remembered, I would of had Topsy cast the charm.

"Come now. We're fixing this." She try's to grab ahold of my arm again but I move before she can get a hold of it.

"No. There's no point. I'm gonna have kids in 4 months anyway. People are gonna know. There's not fixing it." I roll my eyes. "Now if you don't mind, I have people to attend to." I turn around a walk over to my friends.

Amabel (Draco Malfoy x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora