23 | Dakota |

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Friday, 13th January
12 weeks & 4 days

Today Leo made me hang out with him today cause he thought we needed to spend more time together before school lets out.

"Ok I'm off to go spend time with Leo." I say to the group before I get up to leave.

Leo said he wanted to surprise me and told me nothing else. So here I am in my green sweater with black leggings. Hopefully it's just casual and nothing fancy.

"I would say wear a condom but your pregnant." Pansy says as she starts laughing uncontrollably.

This girl. "Pansy I'm not having sex for a long time! I'm currently pregnant with 2 kids. I'm staying away with any thing that involves dick." I finish before I leave.

"Ok my beautiful daughter. Have fun! Don't walk to much!" Theo screams from the table in the great hall.

I haven't told anyone about what happened yesterday with me and I don't plan to. He let his emotions out and that's really non of anyone's business. But why did he come to me and cry. Couldn't he go to his girlfriend and cry?

I get pulled from My thoughts by Leo. "Hello Demi. How's your morning so far?" He asks as we head out of the castle to the court yard.

"It's been ok. Nothing outa the usual." I smile up at him.

"That's good my love. Do you think you can walk for a little bit?"

Maybe I suppose. My feet are hurting a lot worse then normal lately. "Yeah I suppose."

He smiles. "Ok we've got to walk to hogsmear." He wrapped him arm around my shoulders.

Merlin that's a walk but I guess if I wanna hang out with Leo then I guess I walking it. The last time I went to Hogsmear was the first time meeting Lilly. Not my favorite experience in that town. There was a time when I had a one night stand in the back of the Three Broom Sticks and Pansy knew before I even told her. She didn't let me live it down for months.

Leo breaks the silence first. "So....have you talked to Draco about anything?"

Yeah actually I've talked to him about a bunch of stuff. "No not really anything." I don't wanna start drama between him and Draco since I don't know how Leo will react if he knew Draco literally practically fell asleep on my stomach crying.

He has a confused face as he speaks. "Are you positive? Cause I seen you talking to him yesterday and it looked like it was important."

Damn. Caught me in a lie. "Yeah we talked but it wasn't really anything important. We just had to settle some stuff." I brush off the conversation hoping he changes the topic.

But he doesn't. "Is there anything happening between you all?"

Excuse me? Did I hear that right? My laughter fills the silence which causes his confused face to increase. "No.... No. Nothing is going on between us." I say between my dying laughter.

He doesn't seem to believe it cause he still doesn't drop it. "Are you positive? I know you all were best friends and you all had sex and stuff. But if there's anything going on between you two I'd like to know." His tone is very stern. I've never heard in talk like that.

"Ernie nothing is going on. We had sex once! And that affected us so much we stoped talking. Not even me having his kids can bring back that friendship.You have nothing to worry about."

He doesn't respond, he just keeps his pace steady and continues to look off in the distance. I've never seen him so tense and confused in the time I've known him.

Amabel (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now