"Yeah I know, but not this time. I have some other plans for her, I want to go out on a date with her." Patrick was disappointed but eventually he agreed.

Brandon was in a thoughtful state that day at work. All his focus was on Emma, he kept staring her all day. Towards the end of the day Brandon dragged Melissa and approached Emma. "Hey ! Hi, uhhh- I'm Brandon and she's Melissa..." Emma smiled and replied," Yeah.. Hey, nice to meet you."

Brandon said,"First of all we are really happy to have you here and its like a tradition that whenever a newbie joins the firm then, apart from pranks, we throw them a little dinner party, you know just me and my friends here. So we were thinking about throwing you one tomorrow night at 8, there's a good restaurant nearby." Melissa assumed that this was part of a prank so she helped him to convince Emma. After convincing her a little bit, Emma agreed.

Soon after Emma left the office, Melissa asked Brandon excitedly," So what's the plan ? We don't show up tomorrow ? Or we have a nice dinner and sneak out before she comes and then let her pay?"  Brandon calmed her down and said," No, that's not the plan. Actually there's no prank. I wanted to take her out on a date, and so...." Melissa gave the same look to Brandon as Patrick but then later calmed down and asked, "So why such a interest in her ?" Brandon raised his shoulders and said," I don't know." and he left for home. "Is he gone mad ?" Melissa asked Patrick. Patrick said, "It happens to people who lose 100 bucks for no reason." And both started giggling.

The next day at office was just like any other day. Brandon had explained everything to his group about his plan and they all agreed not to tell Emma anything. That evening Emma reached at the decided place. She entered the restaurant, surprised to see only Brandon standing beside a table for two with a candle placed on the table. "Just 35 minutes late, you came earlier than I'd thought." Brandon said. Emma continued walking towards him and said, "I thought all were gonna come.." Brandon smiled and said, " Yeah, initially. But all backed out for reasons they know best and now its just you and me. Tradition can't be broken, right?."

Emma wasn't mad at him and said, "You do realize that I could leave right away." Brandon beamed and sat on the chair and said, "You can leave whenever you want to. If you leave now then I guess I'll have to finish the pastas on my own."

Emma looked the other way and thought for a moment, then she looked at Brandon nodded and joined him. The date was just as Brandon wanted it to be.

As weeks passed by they became real close. They would often go out on a date or go out to dance. Emma started hanging out with them at work and also at Tony's. Sia and Emma became good friends, and why wouldn't they be, they both loved to make fun of Brandon.

While Brandon was trying his luck on Emma, Sia, on the other hand, had become close to one of her clients, Brad. Sia felt different when she was around him. And soon after few weeks they both started dating. She wanted to tell Brandon about her first ever relationship but that night at Tony's was the last time she had met him. Brandon used to spend most of his time with Emma. One day Sia and Brandon decided to meet at Meera's place for dinner.

That night they talked about new stuff that happened in their lives. Just as Meera went in the kitchen Brandon said, "I have a big news! Really big news!" Sia quickly covered Brandon's mouth with her palm and shouted,"shhhhhh! Whatever your news is, it won't be bigger than mine ! So I'll tell first!"

"Just then Brandon freed himself and both started hitting each other. After the catfight round, finally they calmed down and Sia let Brandon speak first. Brandon quickly said," I am dating. I am dating Emma! "  Sia rolled over her eyes and said," You're dating Emma? That's so obvious. Everybody knows this. Anyway the big thing is that I am dating." Brandon's jaw dropped for a moment. " For once, even if you'd told me that you killed a man, or you are planning to kill a man, then that wouldn't have surprised me. But this, Seriously?"

"Don't be surprised if that man is you." Sia joked, she then said in a high pitched voice,"Yeah, Brandon I'm dating a guy!" Meera entered the room and asked them about the loud noises. Brandon happily shouted," Meera, WE FOUND LOVE !"

Meera got excited and said," Ahhh! Finally, finally, you two are together." Soon Brandon realized what he'd said and corrected himself, "Maa, no no no, we found love but not with each other-" He then pointed Sia and continued,"-Sia, here is dating a guy-" looking at Sia,"-what's his name?" Sia quickly replied," Brad, Brad" Brandon continued, "Yeah so she is dating Brad and I am dating Emma, remember that girl I'd told you about ?"

Meera was rather disappointed and said,"Oh, Emma, yeah I remember her. This is a great news. I am just happy for you two." Meera always wanted Brandon and Sia to be together but never told them this directly. She would always give them hints though.

<<< ( One day at the mall)

SIA :       You know I always wanted a guy who's independent, handsome and responsible.

MEERA: You mean like Brandon?

SIA:        You're joking, right?

( One night at Brandon's place)

MEERA:       How come you don't go out with Sia, you know on a date?

BRANDON: I'd gone once, we went for a movie and I tried to be a gentleman and let her pick the movie. And 3 hours of my life were wasted, it was a 3 hour long documentary on Dams. That was the last time I'd asked her out, and also the last time I let a girl pick a movie.

MEERA:       But I think you should try again. She's changed now.

BRANDON: Yeah, she now watches documentaries on buildings. And who knows, if i ask her out again then our second date would be in a museum!>>>

( NOW)

They spent the night telling Meera about their respective love stories. Brandon was pretty confident about his relationship, but can he maintain this relationship was a big question.


Next Chapter : An Angel Passes Away.

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