Chap. 58; The Brunet and the Bruette That's New

Start from the beginning

Lauren's heavy eyes shut, only waiting for her brain to shut off to go to sleep. Her chest rose and fell as she got closer. Her breaths deeper and slower, her mind slowly drifting away, parying for a dream instead of a nightmare. Her mind dissociating from her body falling into an unconscious state.

It was dark, silent, and calm here. The rest of the house went to sleep around the same time. It was eleven, Jennie was only up because she had got a hold of an energy drink, and it was way past Bill and Diane's usual bedtime.

Hours later, Lauren woke up her body slightly sweaty she reached for the light button on her clock that read 3:15. Just then, there was a knock on her window. She squinted, seeing a familiar boy through her blind. She stood up, pulling the glass up, letting him climb into her room. "Hey."

"Hi?" Lauren closed the window behind him. "What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"I know this is really weird, but is there any way I can stay the night."

"I mean, yeah, that's fine, but why?"

"My parents are fighting still, and they keep dragging me into it." Lauren nodded but didn't understand completely.

"Okay... why me?"

"Ahh, you won't ask questions." He said, hoping himself that he was right.

"But can I?" He shook his head, she let out a breath. "I'll get you a blanket." Lauren left him in her room as she walked to get a blanket in the hallway closet. When she returned, he stood in the same spot. "Here. Here's a pillow, go to sleep, I guess." The boy set the pillow on the floor before he kicked off his shoes.

"Thank you." Lauren smiled at him before he settled into bed.

"Just umm... I get up at 5. You don't have to get up then, but at 6 my- Jennie, she'll come in here and try and play with the dog while I get ready. So, just be up before then. You don't have to leave but be awake."

"I'll be gone."


"And he just showed up?" Adam asked Lauren as they walked the hall after class. This was somebody she didn't expect to make friends with, but he was really funny. He was on the football team with Pierce and Drew, even though Drew didn't want anything to do with it.

"Yeah. At like three a.m. last night. He said I'd ask less questions. Should I be worried he doesn't want people asking questions?"

"I don't know, I barely talk to him anymore."

"He's not a bad guy, right, like not an illegal arms dealer." Adam scoffed, walking ahead slightly.

"That would be one way to disappoint Daddy." He pushed the door open for her to the cafeteria.

"Is he?" Lauren asked, slightly nervous.

"No. You said his parents were fighting?" She nodded. "We've all seen that. It's not a big deal it was 3 a.m., and he was probably just done and left."

"Yeah, that sounds like -" Lauren turned around when a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun around. The hand was eager and quick. The next thing she knew was a metal lunch tray got slapped across her face, completely knocking her on her ass.

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, blood pouring out of her nose. "That's for fucking my boyfriend." She didnt even have time to register what truly just happened. Lauren looked up at Allison yelled at her in Adam's arms pulling her away.

Lauren didn't respond but instead held her hands up to her nose immediately, getting covered in blood. "Let me fight this bitch Adam!" She screamed squirming in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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