Chap. 9; Leave

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Lauren came back from the bathroom and saw Steve laying on the bed where she had been. "The fuck? When did he get here?" She walked over to the bed and tried pushing him out of the way. "Move."

"No." He said holding his body tight in its position.

"Nancy?" They both looked over at her.

"Deal with it amongst yourselves." Lauren pushes his legs trying to get him to move.

"Move lardass." She pushed him again and he still didn't. "Shit-for-brains move your ass. You have lead paint in your room or something? Is that why you can't comprehend the word move?"

"I'm not moving Hop." Lauren rolled her eyes. She stepped on the bed and moved so that she was sitting cross-legged on him. Nancy throws her hands up, not even going to try to help either cause.

"Nancy, your best friend is sitting on top of me."

"No. Again, figure it out yourselves."

"Can you get off me fatass?" He looked up at her.

"Don't call me a fucking fatass."

"Get the fuck off me." He reached his hand back softly hitting her.

"You're in my spot, move your ass."

"I can't move when your fat ass is on top of me."

"Guys be quiet, Steve is not supposed to be in here." Nancy interrupted the twos back and forth bickering.

"Oh great I can tell you mom about him being up here and then he can get out of here," she said with a triumphant smile.

"No then I'll get in trouble and you'll both have to leave." Lauren rolled her eyes as Nancy and looked over at Steve. She leaned over and pinched his cheeks like a grandma.

"Hear that Stevie, you're only staying, because I like Nancy and don't want to get her in trouble." She talked, the way to talk to a child, after she let go she pushed off him and sat by Nancy's head and his feet.

"God I can breathe now." Lauren looked over at him and pushed her glasses up with her middle finger, he did the same with imaginary glasses.

"Okay in act three they murder Banquo and leave his body to find Macbeth to talk about what happened, right?" Nancy changed the subject back to what they had been studying.

"Nance I don't even know what they are saying half the time."

"I thought that play was a happy one?"

"Did you even take tenth-grade English?"

"I didn't pay attention, and we read the one about the guy that kills himself the love story."

"Romeo and Juliet? Dumbass."

"Yeah that one and like I said I didn't pay attention."

"That's like the most known play in the entire world and you didn't even know the name of it?"

"Oh my god I'm going to kill both of you stop arguing please for the sake of my sanity."

"Nancy." A shout from the other room caused Nancy to get out of bed.

"I'll be back to figure it out please."Nancy left the room on request of her mom leaving Steve alone with Lauren.

"Okay you can leave now," Steve kicked her softly.

"Why should I leave? I was here first and we are studying, you should."

"Just leave Hop, you can study alone."

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