Chap. 27; Just

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Lauren was sitting on her bed going through both her world history book and trigonometry, trying to cram her brain for an up-incoming test. Her door opened, and her seeing Steve. "What?"

"You told me to sneak in. You said just make sure the coast is clear, but it should be fine because Eleven and Wheeler will be making out, and your dad has been working late all week. Is any of this ringing a bell?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Oh shit, no. I completely forgot." She said when Steve quietly closed the door behind him.

"Well, what are you doing?" He laid on the bed across from him.

"What does it look like?" She held up her book. She let out a gasp. "Oh wait, you don't do this. It's something called studying." He mocked her silently before saying,

"I'd study every day if it meant you were there with that bearly buttoned shirt." Lauren smiled at his stupidity before she rolled her eyes.

"Are you kidding? I look horrible."

"I don't think you can look bad. Even when you were covered in trash juice or a loose braid and these sexy glasses." Lauren wrinkled her nose at him along with rolling her eyes. "That was cute." She rolled her eyes again.

"Whatever, Harrington, I have to study so you can sit there. I guess." He shrugged, not caring.

"So what's this for?"

"How bout every class in the goddamn world." She paused, looking up from her book. "Ap World and Trig." Lauren corrected herself, "hell on earth. I don't know I'm stressed the fuck out. I'm bearly hanging on to an A in world."

"You sound like a nerd." Lauren rolled her eyes again.

"I'm not a nerd I just care about my grades." He rolled his eyes pocking her in the side. She smacked his hand away.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. What's your GPA?"

"Umm don't want to say."

"Oh just tell me."

"Four point two eight." His eyes widened.

"How the hell is that even possible?" He said quite loudly.

"Shh." He nodded knowing she was right. "Advanced placement classes are on a five-point scale as opposed to the regular four-point scale." Steve shrugged like it would be an easy thing to do.

"Maybe I should take them give mine a boost." Lauren tilted her head at him with a smile.

"First that's not how it works, second if you need a GPA boost AP classes are not going to be the way to do it. Considering you have to a... what's a good word. Apply yourself, and it's the second semester of your senior year."

"Nah I'll be fine." Lauren looked back down at her books. When Steve grabbed her book.

"You wrote shit hit the fan in your school book." He glanced up at her.

"Yes, we get to keep it and yes because it did. Not only did the yellow river flood all of the farmland making others susceptible to drought, but that caused agricultural famine and death from the lack of food-" She sighed. "I'll stop talking about East Asia now." She took the book back from him.

"Seems like you actually know what you talking about." Lauren shook her head. "What."

"I don't know what I'm talking about. I just wish I could put every word from this book into my brain."

"Yeah, it's called read." Lauren rolled her eyes at him yet again.

"I can study later. You being here, will not help me whatsoever." She put the pencil in the book and stacked the other, setting it on the ground. When she sat back up, Steve pushed her down on her. "Oh, Harrington!" she said with excitement.

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