Chap. 41; Summer Nights

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Steve's alarm went off both of their bodies shot up. Lauren hit her head on the wall. Steve hit the alarm to turn it off while Lauren rubbed her head. "Now, this is why I don't sleep on this side," she said under her breath.

"Want me to kiss it better?" He leaned over with pursed lips just and kissed her on the head. Lauren wrapped her leg and arm over top of him closer. "Better?" He kissed her cheekbone, pulling her closer as well. They sat in each others arms in silence, fighting to fall right back to sleep. Steve hand ran over the indentations from her scars.

"I know they're bad," she whispered into his chest. Lauren had four major insecurities. One, when people said she talked a lot. She knew she did. She just had so much to say. It just made her feel like complete shit when people told her she talked a lot. That's why when she went on her useless rants that she couldn't stop, people would interrupt her. It made her feel the understood she couldn't help it.

Another being is her uncontrollable emotions. Her temper. Her temper was ticked every time she was in a situation she didn't want to be in or when she was with someone she didn't like. She hated that she would cry at the simplest things. Though it was better than not crying.

The third was her voice. It was deep. She noticed it before Steve said anything, but when he said it was really deep, she hated it. She would never tell him that he made her majorly insecure about it. She didn't want to make him feel like shit because she hated something. It truly sounded like she smoked twenty-five/eight.

But her scars had become her biggest insecurity over the last few months she had been covered in them. Whether it be her back, her hand, the scar that remained from her snapping her bone coming out of her leg, the scratches on her back, the few inch-long cut on her wrist, or even the little scars from her childhood. She could feel his glance down at her.


"I know, my scars. They're bad." He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her body.

"No, they're not. Nothing about you is bad. Maybe badass but not bad." Lauren laughed a little as she listened to his heartbeat. "I like them."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do, because when I do this," he ran his hand over the middle scar, the one that was the deepest. Her body winced into his as she was unable to control it. "You get even closer to me."

"You can just ask." Lauren tightened her leg on his body along with her arm.

"Weres the fun in that? Besides scars are cool, they show you survived something. In your case, several somethings."

"Okay." She knew he was right. He was just trying to make her feel better about them, but it really didn't.

"Give me a maker," Lauren rolled over and grabbed one. "Thank you," she tried to roll over, but Steve pushed her back down.


"Take off your shirt."

"No." Steve pushed up her shirt, pulling the marker cap off for his teeth.

"What are you doing."

"Just wait. Patience is a virtue." The cold felt tip of the marker ran on her back.

"What are you doing?"

"Wait," he continued drawing on her back for a while. Lauren sat in silence. "Done,"

"Now, what did you do?"

"Since you don't find them as beautiful as I do. I made them flowers. The scratches are the stems. And they're you're favorite, tulips." Lauren turned over and smiled at him. Steve grabbed her hand and turned her hand over. "This isn't going to be a flower. It's going to be a signature line." Lauren looked at him like he was stupid. He wrote S+L. He pulled the blanket off of her. "Not yet, ten more minutes."

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