Chap. 6; The Bathtub

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Sitting in the police station, Lauren couldn't help herself. She was on a roller coaster of emotions, and right now. It may have been a high despite the fact that Jonathan was in hand cuffs, and it wasn't in a great situation at the moment. Nothing was said. The only nosies were those of the office.

Lauren sat at Phil desk across from him. "Please let him go, Phil. He didn't try to hit Powell." He shook his head. "Please."

"Not only did he assault Powell and myself, he assaulted another kid." Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Steve deserved it. Not only did he assault Jonathan, but he also vandalized the theater. He also resisted arrest. Why isn't he here? You know who he was. He's not just some faceless guy you've never seen. Go arrest him."

"I understand that, and we'll be on that, but we're not letting your friend go. And please give me the gun in your pocket." Lauren didn't let his request affect her.

"I don't have a gun in my pocket."

"I can see it, Lauren." She sighed, pulling it out and handing it to him. "Thank you. Now, is this your dad's?" She nodded reluctantly, not looking him in the eyes. "Why do you have it?"

"Because the cops in this town can't protect its citizens for shit. And if I "run away," I want to be able to defend myself." She said with air quotes while she lied she couldn't care less about that at the moment, but she couldn't exactly say she was monster hunting.

"We are looking for your friend Lauren, you don't need this. This is a safe town." Lauren rolled her eyes. "I'm going to give this back to your father when he gets here."

"Have you even looked for her? Have you looked other than just saying she ran away because I'm telling you, Phil, she isn't the type to run away, especially alone. She wasn't some jealous girl."

"We'll look."

"Yeah, just like you'll be on Steve." She stood up, walking over to Jonathan, who was sitting all alone. "Where's Nancy."

"Getting ice." Jonathan held up his hand and grabbed Lauren. "Hell, you your looks worse than mine."

"No, it doesn't. I only threw two punches. You threw how many? My dad's going to make this go away, don't worry." Lauren smiled at him.

"I'm not, I know he will."

Nancy came back with ice in a rag without a word. They sat there quietly not a word spoken meanwhile the door opened, and she turned her head to be met with her dad's face, not alone, though he was accompanied by Joyce Byers who broke the silence.

"Jonathan? Jesus, what... What happened? Why is he in handcuffs?"

"Ma'am. Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why." Callahan said, Lauren was about to assault one at the moment.

"Take them off." Joyce said her hands on her hips and a stern look.

"I am afraid I can not do that." Callahan said right back with just as sturn look.

"Take them off." Joyce said.

"You heard her. Take 'em off." Jim backed her up.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotions here, but there's something you need to see." Phil said, guiding Jim out of the station.

"What are they doing? Can anyone see where they're going?" Nancy asked, moving in her seat to see through the glass door.

"No." Jonathan said with a defeated look on his face.

"Jonathan, what happened? Why did you hit that other kid." Joyce asked, hitting him on the head.

"It's nothing. It's not important." He replied, looking up at his mom.

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