Chap. 12; The Night We Met

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"If you could be anyone dead or alive who would you be?" Lauren asked with her head on Walt's stomach.

"Umm definitely like Betty White she's fucking like actual royalty." She turned to look at the boy playing with her hair, nearly making her fall asleep.

"Me too." Lauren smiled at him.

"You would want to be Betty White?"

"I was going to say Kevin Cornin but she's cool too."

"Why Kevin Cornin?" He twisted her hair in between his fingers.

"He's a fucking rock star imagine life on the road all the time imagine getting out of Hawkins." Lauren seemed interested. She hadn't thought about it.

"I guess being a rockstar would be fun. I wish I was famous enough that I'd meet people like Bowie or Stevie or even Debbie. How cool would it be to meet Debbie."


"Harry!" She looked at him, still completely unaware of how that was. "Bondie? Dipshit."

"Oh, the girl that's been all over my radio for the last five years." He nodded obnoxiously.

"You can just burn the cassette if you hate it that much." Lauren said. He just shook his head. "It's because you like it." Lauren said under her breath.

"We are not talking about this for the millionth time." Walt takes the joint back and takes a hit. The room sat still in silence for a while with the two just in their own drugged hayes.

"Five years?" Lauren asked him. He responded with a huh mixed with a grown. "We have been friends for five years."

"Almost five Halloween night 79' right?"

"Shit five years, really goes fast. I don't think I remember anything but your costume."

"First off assassinated JFK will forever be my best costume. Second, I remember a lot of tears."

"Oh yeah no, we don't have to talk about that part." Lauren cut him off.

"But It was my favorite part. Mrs. Pricilla Presley in tears on the stairs."

Halloween Night 1979 Walts pov

I sat at the table shoving pretzels into my mouth. Doug sitting across from me not doing anything but looking at Tina in the living room. I threw a pretzel at Doug to grab his attention. "This party is lame we could be getting free candy right now. Why are we even here?" I asked my 'best friend'.

"Because Tina's here and I'm trying to talk to her. You know?" He threw the pretzel back at me.

"Dude you have never ended up saying anything to her you don't have the courage." I sighed.

"You know you're so fricking annoying." I hated when he said stuff like that. I know I wasn't being the nicest when I said this, but he was always ditching me to "talk" more like do anything than that to Tina.

Doug was a bad friend as my dad liked to remind me he always looked for the better option when I came to hanging out with people, but he was my only friend. I had friends from football, but they were not really my people.

"You know what, Jordan, I'm going to go talk to her just because you said that." He got up and hit the top of my shoulder while making his way out of the kitchen.

"You were going to do it anyway." I said under my breath as Doug walked out the door.

I sat alone in at the table full of bowls of empty bowls of chips, eating some of the many untouched pretzels. There is so many things happening just in the kitchen, stuff I dont care about but there isnt any candy. Its like we got to middles school and everyone wanted to stop being a kid.

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