Chap. 51; The Flood Gates Are Opened

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Steve and Lauren went to the city hall that contained all the school records during the summer. Lauren was boucing her leg and digging her nails into the back of her arm. Steve looked from the road to her and the other way around. His hand left the steering wheel, softly hitting her hand away. "Don't do that." She looked down and pulled away she hadn't even released she was doing it.


"It's fine." Lauren's leg started shaking her leg even harder. She took a deep breath and started to say something but didn't. That happened a few times before she finally said something.

"This is complete bullshit right?" Lauren looked over at him as she finished her left loose braid.


"I mean, she shows up with her family to my dad's funeral. Which, yeah, yeah, I get, she loved the man or whatever. But the fact that she isn't even letting me speak or have a say in my future is absolute bullshit, right?" At this moment, all remnants of mourning were gone and replaced with anger." Like I'm not being irrational right now, right?"


"She can't just rip me away for you guys. I've already lost so many people. I don't get it." Lauren started talking before Steve could talk.

"Lauren, she is your mom. I don't know. I know she has been pretty shitty at it, but maybe she thinks it was best." Lauren gave him the dirtiest look.

"Steve shut the fuck up." She took a deep breath. "Sorry that was bitchy, I'm not mad at you. It's just that she's more than shitty. I don't care what she thinks is best. She's ripping me away from everyone else that means anything to me." She said with air quotes. She wanted to scream and throw a brick out of the car window.

"It's only a few months."

"Only a few months? It's my whole senior year." Lauren yelled at him even though he wasn't the one she was mad at. "And then she says we have to leave in two days. I have shit I've got to do and stuff I have to put in place." She continued complaining about her mom. His hand moved to the back of her neck. She pushed it away softly, "Steve, my neck."

"I'm sorry, I just want you to know it's going to be okay." With his other hand, he turned into a parking space. They slid out of the car and walked into city hall. The man behind the desk glanced up at them.

"What can I help you with?" he said in the most monotone way possible.

"Yes, hi, umm, I need my high school transcript, please." He looked at them and blinked slowly.

"That will be a few hours. There are plenty of other people waiting," his eyes flicked from the two over to a waiting room full of people.

"Listen, I need it like yesterday, so get your ass up and go get it for me, please." She said with a fake smile.

"Ma'am there's no point in cursing it's not going to make me move any faster." He went back to whatever he was doing.

"Maybe my foot up your ass will make you move fast. I'm not in the mood for this right now. I leave for New York in five hours, and I have a colossal amount of other shit to get done."

"Well, maybe you should have come here sooner." Lauren's body jolted at the man being full of so much anger. Steve grabbed her before she could do anything. The man didn't seem fazed at all. "Three hours," Lauren jolted again. Steve held her back.

"Seriously -" her words were muffled by Steve's hand.

"Man cut her some slack she didn't know she was moving till the memorial."

"Three hours," he let go of her.

"Goddamn it man, it will take two fucking seconds of your life," Steve yelled drawing even more attention to the interaction. The man behind the counter didn't acknowledge them. "Can we just fucking go back there and get it? We have other shit to do before she leaves."

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