Chap. 16; Trick or Drink, Bitch

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Okay. I think it's done here." Lauren smiled and handed El the sheet. El threw the sheet over her head. Lauren helped her adjust it so she could see.

"I'll go out. You in one minute." El nodded, Lauren, grabbing her backpack and walking out the door. She walked out to the smell of french toast.

"Look who's actually cooking." She said, giving him a hug from the side that he had returned.  He kissed her into the head before sliding the spatula under the French toast.

"I was hungry. I thought you girls would like some." He flipped a piece over before pouring three glasses of juice. Lauren heard her bedroom door open, knowing El was coming out to ask. Jim turned around to see Eleven in the ghost costume.

"Oh, Jesus." He said, letting himself relax and relaxing who it was. He removed his hand from his chest.

"Ghost." She said just standing there.

"Yeah, I can see that."


"Sure is." He began putting the toast on three individual plates. "But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat." He sat down at the table putting down the plates

"They won't see me." Lauren glanced up at her dad as she was devouring the food.

"Who wouldn't see you?"

"The bad men."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trick or treat."

"You want to go trick or treating?" He looked over at Lauren. "I assume she put this in your mind. You both know the rules,"

"I know, but."

"Then you know my answer."

"No, but they wouldn't see me."

"No. Hey. I don't care. You go out there, ghost or not, It's a risk. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid, and both of you."

"We're not stupid." The girl said at the same time.

"Good. Now take that off and sit down and eat. Your food is getting cold." Lauren shrank in her seat, feeling like she gave El false hope. "All right, look. How about I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and watch a scary movie together? How's that for compromise?"


C-O-M-promise. Compromise. How about that's your word for the day? Yeah? It's like kinda in-between. It's like halfway happy."

"Sounds good to me. I can get a really good horror movie."

"Lauren, you have to stay out." Lauren turned to her dad, and she was tey8ng to hold back a dirty look.


"It will be weird if you don't. When was the last time you stayed home on Halloween?" Lauren nodded, knowing that he was right.

"By five-one-five.." El chimed in again

"Five fifteen, yeah, sure."


"Yes, I promise."

"Halfway happy." Jim ruffled Eleven's hair to lighten the tense mode. The family finally went to partake in their food. Even though Lauren was already doing it.

Once they finished, they put their dishes in the sink and headed to work and school. Before they went out the door, Lauren bent down and looked at Eleven. She gave him a disappointing smile.

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