Chap. 28; Valentines

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Lauren sat in class in front of Steve yet facing him they were 'working' on writing an introduction for an up-incoming essay. "To boyfriend-girlfriend. "

"How about I just give you an orgasm then," he said very quietly in a decently loud room.

"Tempting, but no." He threw his head back with a grunt.

"Why wouldn't it be awesome? And you're teasing me with that hot, tiny little red dress." Lauren rolled her eyes as for everything she wore was for herself and feeling good in her own body. Not for boys or Steve Harrington to look at.

"Yeah, it would, if this was more romance and not lust," Just as Lauren said this, the teacher walked by.

"Class, Ms. Hopper just made an amazing point about the story..." his words faded out once he said the book. She dropped her head on Steve's desk from embarrassment.

"Now that's embarrassing." Lauren glanced up at him, annoyed.

"Yeah, no shit." The bell rang, making Lauren turn around and pack up her stuff.

"Intro paragraphs are due tomorrow morning. And finish the rest of the book. Please," the teacher pleaded to a bunch of teenagers that didn't give two shits. On the way out, Steve grabbed Lauren's ass. She slapped it away, swinging her arm into his abdomen.


"Stop overreacting." She walked through the door. Steve walked next to her before getting pushed to the side.

"God move Harrington no one likes you." Lauren laughed when Walt wrapped his arm around her.

"Bye Harrington."

"Bye assholes." He split off into another hallway.

"You're coming to mine tonight."

"Okay, but you not doing anything with your girlfriend?"

"No, I am. It's a party."

"Since when are you having a party?"

"Since she decided she wanted to have a party. She's invited like half the school."

"So she invited people over to your house?"

"Yeah, and I'm pissed but so many people are coming, and I can't talk to her right now, so will you please come so I don't have a shit time."

"Yes, Walter, I'll come. Wait, aren't your parents going to be pissed. Like beyond."

"My aunt is sick, so my dad's up in Wyoming and my moms working a twenty-four. And she's taking full advantage."

"Seems like she does that a lot."

"So I was thinking you could be amazing and get food?" He pulled her in tighter.

"Fuck no. But yes." He pulled away heading to his class.

"Thanks, bitch, owe you."

Lauren kicked open Walt's door with paper bags filled to the brim. She walked into the kitchen, and when she seat the bags down she saw Walt's back with Samantha on the floor in front of him.

She walked out of the room quickly and quietly. When she made it to the other room she couldn't help but laugh. She covered he mouth to keep quiet. She started laughing so hard tears were streaming down her face.

She heard faint mumbling coming from the room from both of them taking it as her quest to come into the room with an uncontrollable smile. "Hey Lo," Walt said rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey. I'm going to run to the bathroom." Samantha pointed to the restroom scurrying off.

"You do that," Lauren said watching her scurry away. She turned to find Walt right next to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, she dug her head into his shirt laughing. He hugged her back.

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