Chap. 30; The Guide to The Perfect Weekend

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Lauren walked to the cafeteria when Steve walked up beside her. "Harrington," she greeted him.


"What do you want?"

"Can I not talk? Just talk to you," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"No, you can, but I just assumed you want something."

"No, but if you're asking, my parents are out of town all weekend," he said a hundred percent, intending to tell her even though she was saying 'no'.

"Oh, I guess I'm busy this weekend." She faintly smiled at him.

"Ohh, okay," he said, defended. Lauren rolled her eyes at him.

"With you dumbass."

"Oh okay, good," a smile stretched across his face. "Wait, like all weekend?"

"Do you want me to stay all weekend?"

"I mean yeah that would be great, that would be great. " He nodded a few times like an awkward little boy.

"Okay dork I'll see you tonight." She walked into the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" Lauren said, somehow laying in Steve's boxers and a bra wrapped in his sheets.

"Get some food, I'm hungry." He walked out of the room in just his boxers. She sat on the bed thinking she could eat. She grabbed Steve's shirt that was on the lamp shade buttoning the rest as she ran down the stairs.

She slipped down the last few steps, hitting the ground with a bang. Steve came running into the room. "Are you okay?" Lauren let out a pained grunt.

"Whoever designed your stair needs to be fired. Why are they so steep?" She said, laying on her back.

"They're not steep. You're just a dumbass." He reached his arm down to her. "A dumbass who I thought just died."

"I'm telling you those are steep for someone that doesn't have stairs, and Nancy's or Walt's aren't that steep." She grabbed Steve's hand as he pulled her up.

"They're not steep, Hop. As I said, you're just a dumbass." Steve walked to the kitchen sitting down on the counter next to a box of fruit loops. Lauren grabbed the box and stood in between his legs, leaning back on him. He leaned over her, reaching into the box and pulling out a handful of cereal.
"Hey, move." He pushed Lauren forward, grabbing the box of cereal.


"I don't like you. That's why." He threw a price of cereal at her.

"That's not very nice, Harrington." He threw another one at her. "Do it again." He threw yet another piece, but this time she caught it in her mouth.

"I guarantee you could not do that again."

"Is that a challenge?"


"Okay, then Harrington, throw me some more." The first three he threw there was no possible way to catch. "Ones I can get to please." He rolled his eyes, throwing them up in the air, but she couldn't catch it. She knew she wasn't going to be able to, but she wanted to try anyway.

"You know if you bet someone you're supposed to be sure you can win."

"One more try."

"No, you're getting fruit loops all over the floor."

"I have to get one, throw me one more, please." She looked over at him with the eyes of a begging child.

"No. You can eat them by the handful like a regular person. I'm done throwing them." He rolled the bag up and put it back in the box.

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