Chap. 31; Steve.

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I pulled up a good little trek from the house. I sat in my car, bouncing my foot up and down, nervous out of my goddamn mind. God, I hate it when she bounces her leg, and now I'm doing it. I look at myself in my rearview mirror, trying to convince myself that I'm actually about to do this. Will this ruin everything between us? I hit my hands on the steering wheel, grabbing on the door handle. I step out of the car and close the door behind me. I stand there for a while just as I did when I first got in the car and when I got here and like I'm going to do when I get to the door.

When I get to the door, I knock, praying to god that no one answers, and I can just leave and forget I was going to do this at all. But in reality, the door did get opened.

"Steve? What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure, come in." I walk in the door following behind to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?" I shake my head. I lean against the counter, sensing that this is where we will be talking. "So what did you need to talk about?"

"I need some advice about something?" I fidget with my fingers like a nervous little kid.

"You need my advice about something? You can't just ask Tommy or Carol?"

"You know I'm not friends with them anymore. They are complete assholes."

"Okay, yeah, okay. What do you need my help with, Harrington?" I could tell he didn't really care.

"I don't know if she told you, but Lauren
and I have been having sex." I told him, hoping I wouldn't get punched.

"Yeah, she told me the morning after. I found her walking on the side of the road." He paused for a second," which is a real asshole, taking her virginity and then making her walk home in the literal freezing cold I may add." Walt said, sitting on the counter.

"In my defense on that, I didn't even know we did until I saw the cum on my sheet and her bra on the floor. I wouldn't have let her walk home if I knew, and I didn't even know it was Lauren until school." I held his hand up in defense.

"That doesn't help your case. That just makes me want to beat your ass. She told me Jonathan did, so I think I could take you." He said seriously.

"I don't think so. I think Lauren probably weighs more than you." I say knowing he weighs more than her, I was just annoyed.

"I bet Harry's ass."

"I don't think the two punches you got in count as winning," I said, knowing he still didn't like me and didn't have a change of heart like Lauren did. Which is still not a hundred percent. I know I did things I do that she hates, like there are some things that she does that I hate.

"You are a fucking dick. Why did you even come here just to piss me off? Tell me how far you got. Like I care."

"You didn't let me finish. And I don't mean we had sex I mean we are having sex like all the time." I said Walt looked confused for a moment before bursting out with laughter.

"I fucking knew it, I fucking knew it. A few weeks ago you had claw marks in your back. She had a hickey on her thigh. The night before I had called her to see if she wanted to hang out. I was a little confused when she said she was masturbating because if you know her like I do she doesn't. It grosses her out which just made me think. You both have been so giddy lately. Lauren has been less bitchy to everyone. With you being all happy in gym class not caring about the shit Hargrove says, it obviously being from getting some stress relief. Yet you didn't have a new girl on your arm. I knew you two were hooking up. I can't believe I was right. Screw med school I need to be a fucking detective." He said with a smile on his face, arms crossed across his chest.

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