Chap. 45; July 4th aka Imprisonment Day

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Erica, Dustin, Robin, Steve, and Lauren stood in front of the glass. Their faces colored by the bright blue light drilling into the possible end of the world. The fact that a Russian could turn around and see them wasn't a worry. The only thing that made the three that knew everything worry was that the whole "end of the world" part.
"Is that..."

"The gate." Dustin finished Lauren's sentence. Robin looked over at them.

"The what?" This made Steve, Dustin, and Lauren snap back into reality a reality that involved Robin and Erica knowing the truth, knowing what this was.

"It's a gate..." Dustin said, pushing away from the glass using that momentum to start running down the stairs. "And it''s bad."

"Wait, I don't understand. You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what, exactly?"

"All you need to know is it's bad."

"Like really fucking bad."

"Like end of the human race as we know it bad." Robin looked as confused as anyone who got told this would be.

"And you know about this, how?" Robin asked, trying to make sense of the little information she had.

"Um, Steve." Erica asked grabbing everyone's attention. "Where's your Russian friend?" There was nothing on the ground besides a small pool of blood, but no Russian. Almost on queue the alarm started to blair with a flashing light.

"Shit." Steve said when in a second he ran to the door. It was open for about two seconds before they started running they ran as fast as they could opening a door this one was the door to the control room holding several Russians. They stopped in their tracks, bumping into Dustin. For a moment, both the Russians and the kids looked at each other. Only for a second, though after that second Dustin pushed through them down a fight of stairs.

At this point, they were being chased on the metal platform, getting closer to the beam of blue energy. Dustin pushed yet another person out of the way till they were pushed to the end of the platform, "Holy Shit!" Was repeated around twenty times out of Dustin's mouth. While he screamed, Steve was thinking, Robin was worrying, Lauren's heart wad beating a million beats a second, and Erica was looking for anyone to tell them what to do.

Holding a small hand gun, the Russian gaurds got closer to them, and Steve screamed, "this way!" Taking the stairs feet away down to a dark level. There was an open archway that they would have taken, but there were more Russians running that way. Without a thought Steve pushed the mysterious metal barrels at them at least to stun them a little as they began to run again. Again, the opened door, this one was clear. No Russian in sight, that didn't mean they weren't still right behind them.

Steve held the door while everyone else ran further into the unidentifiable room. Lauren noticed his absence and ran to help him, seeing that just him versus four Russians wasn't exactly a a far fight. With Lauren's audition, it only held the door closed a little bit more. "Help!" Steve yelled to Robin right before she joined the other two in closing the door.

Erica and Dustin continued making their way up the stairs of the room and into "escape hatch," as it could be called. "Come on!" Dustin yelled.

"Go! Just get out of here!"

"Hust come in now!"

"No! Just go get some help, okay!?" Dustin slipped in the hatch as they three continued to push the door closed as best they could. "What are you doing?"

"I won't forget you!"

"Go!" The three yelled, pushing back on the door. It was like a game of tug of war between the Russians and the Americans their were more Russians who had to push the door open. The teens just had to keep it closed. For a moment they thought it was okay but it wasn't and they were immediately sent to the ground. At least five guns were on them at once whike they were being screamed at in a language they didn't understand in the slightest.

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