Chap. 19; A How Many Mile Treck

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"Hop, get your ass up."

"You have to shake her. She doesn't wake up easily." Steve kicked the bottom of her foot, only getting a movement in response. "Have to do more than that. Shake her." Steve bent over, grabbing and shaking her shoulder. "Oh, for God's sake." He pushed him out of the way, grabbing a cup and pouring a little water on her face and ear. "Lo, wake up we got to go." She shot up, rubbing the water out of her ear.

"What the fuck."

"Let's go." Dustin grabbed her arm pulling her off the ground.

"Why?" Lauren whined.

"Because we are losing daylight you already got two more hours than us."


"We woke up crazy late ourselves and we were cutting the meat up and you would not wake up at all. Let's go, we are losing daylight." Lauren stood the rest of the way but not fast enough. "Let's go, Lo."

"Boy I'm gonna beat your ass, I'm getting up."

"Well, do it faster." Lauren grabbed her shoes by the rest of her clothes slipping them on. They walked out the door and to the car that was already loaded up. When they got in the car Lauren sank into the seat trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep. From going to sleep at two and waking up at two she still got twelve hours but they were the worst sleep she's ever had, so she still wanted more.

"You are not going back to sleep. I don't want to listen to you snore or talk about curling your hair." Lauren looked at him confused about what he knew one of her dreams was about.


"You run your mouth when you're sleeping just as much as when you're awake." He said pulling out of the driveway.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. Tell me why you asked me to take this and wrap it around the iron. I thought you were awake so I said what you said and you told me to wrap the hair around the iron. I made the mistake of saying what again and you got all mad and said stop being a dumbass and wrap your fucking hair around the iron."

"So what I am getting from this is that my subconscious knows you are a dumbass and wants to cuss you out too." Lauren interrupted him.

"I'm done, you two are forbidden from talking to each other again." He said looking back and forth between the two.

"O..." Dustin reached back covering her mouth.

"Forbidden." Lauren pushed his hand away and back into the front seat.

"Hey, Hop? Do you know what forbidden means?" He looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"No, do you?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

"No. I just know It makes me want to talk a whole lot more."

"It means shut the hell up." Dustin interrupted him.

"We know Henderson we're just fucking with you, and how long is this walk?"

"A couple of hours." Lauren's eyes widened when he said this.

"Hours. Hours. Hell, maybe we should have killed it in the town hall. These aren't exactly walking shoes. They're more like blister shoes."

"You will be fine, and why would you wear shoes that give you blisters."

"Because they were cute before they were covered in trash juice. Also, one of you owes me for those jeans I just got them."

"Neither of us is giving you money, Lo."

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