Chap. 39; Sick of this Shit

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Steve chased Lauren up the stairs and into his room wet from the rain outside. The ran that cut the outdoor throw back Thursday in the back half a movie short. He pushed the door closed, leaning against it, "Oh Nell, I must have my way with you," Steve said in the accent as in the old movie.

"Oh Elliot, that's not the best idea. I don't think my father would approve of us." Lauren said in the same accident as she kicked off her shoes and moved further away from him.

"Screw you father Nell, I want to be with you, not him." Lauren laughed and smiled a little.

"Well, I'd hope not," she said, dropping the transatlantic accent.

"Oh shut up," Steve pulled her lower back into his body. Lauren stood on her toes to kiss him back. "Tell me, mouse, are you really in love, or are you just playing house?" He pulled away, still holding onto her.

"Wrong movie, Steve," Lauren pushed up back to his lips. Steve held her waist tight, picking her up. Lauren wrapped both her arms and legs around him, holding on to the kiss. It wasn't long before Lauren had been sitting down on his desk. Lauren's had flipped the stereo on half in purpose half on accident.

If there was something she had to do, it would fill silences with music. Fifties must have been the theme of the night. Besides the fact that the only people who actually had rights then were white men, it was a good time for music and movies. Nevertheless , the Mills Brothers came from the speakers while Steve and Lauren were locked together.

Lauren ran her fingers through his hair, using both that and her legs to pull him and his lips even closer to her despite the face that both were touching. "Really, I must have my way with you, Hop."

"Nobody's stopping you," Steve's hand pushed on the wall as she pushed back into her lips. He caught a sent of the long-lasting vanilla and cherry scent on her neck, and it sent a smile into the kiss.

"What?" Lauren asked in between kisses.

"You smell go good?" Steve's cologne, despite being much more expensive, lasted a good hour, but Lauren did love the way it smelled.

"You do too," she said, not wanting to explain why she would have said did, right now. Etta James started coming from the radio, and Lauren practically pushed Steve away from her but still held him close.


"It's stormy weather."

"I mean, yeah, I guess so."

"No, goof-ass, the song," Steve looked at he like she was stupid for her seemingly awful insult. "Don't know why..." Lauren sang along. Steve pulled away and closed his eyes.

"Stop my ears are bleeding."

"There's no sun up in the sky."

"It's night." Steve said, being a smart-ass as Lauren kept singing.

"Stormy weather," Lauren picked up some scissors from his pencil mug and used it as a microphone. "Since my man and I ain't together."

"I'm right here," Lauren rolled her eyes, pulling the scissors up to her mouth for more of the song.

"Keeps raining all of the time. Oh yeah, life is so bare.." Steve pulled the scissors out of her had.

"Don't. You are seriously disrespecting Ms. James. With that out of tune. Deafening thing you call singing."

"Fuck you," Steve's shoulders dropped and his head fell back.

"Please. That's all I'm asking,"

"Fine Stevie, do what you want, take me, have you way with me," she opened her arms in which we took within seconds. He hugged her for a moment which was very comforting. He gave the best hugs. He bit her ear softly before he pined he against the wall roughly. Lauren let out a quiet excited scream.

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