Chap. 21; That's A Weird Question

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Lauren sat in the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room. At this point she felt more than awful. She was light headed she could hear her heart beat in her head. Her fingers and toes felt cold like the might fall off. Lauren slowly pushed herself off the seat and walked over to the other room "Steve." She whimpered to get the boys' attention. He looked over at the girl signing for him and stood up momentarily.

"What?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I need your help." Steve tilted his head at both her words and voice.

"Why do you sound like an actual girl." Lauren looked at him with the weirdest look before she grabbed onto his arm.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He shrugged as he helped her to the counter that she immediately grabbed for extra balance.

"It's just you have a deep voice, it now you sound like a girl." Lauren only heard that a million times and thought it herself a million times. It was never fun to hear it, however.

"So I normally what sound like a man?" She raised her eyebrows. She might have had a deep voice but she never was complained to a man.

"No, no, no." He shook his head. "More like a teenage boy, or an elderly lady who smoked her whole life."

"Fuck you." She said in her weak voice.

"What do you need my help with?" She looked down at the staple gun in her hand, causing him to look down. "Shit, did I say something? Are you going to nail my dick to the wall or something?"

"You have a dick?" She struggled to even joke, it hurt so bad. "No, I told you I'd tell you when I'm not fine. Well, I wasn't fine when I told you that." Lauren was really messed upI'm far far from fine. I'm losing a lot of blood here, I kind of need to close it." He looked at her with wide eyes while he was shaking his head.

"I don't think so, Hop. I'm not qualified." He pushed her hand away.

"Steve, you in my hospitality and med class, you leaned sutures and shit." She pushed it back to him.

"Hop, I didn't pay attention in that class, or an any class for that matter."

"That's why we're using staples it works just the same and how stupid do you have to be to fuck that shit up." She threw her hands up.

"I'm that stupid," he admitted.

"Harrington, I'm bleeding like a lot. I need you to do this, please." He sighed with his hands on his hips, looking between her and the kids.

"Can one of the kids do it? I don't want to hurt you." Lauren rolled her eyes at him.

"You can't hurt me more than I am right now. Please, I'm feeling dizzy right now. I need to stop bleeding, or else I'm going to pass out." She handed him the staple gun.

"Wait, isn't this going to give you an infection? These old staples?" He held it up. Lauren took it out of his hand, and walked to the kitchen. She searched the cabinets till she found the liquid cabinet pulling out a bottle of vodka. She pulled the nails out of the gun and washed them with the vodka. She filed them back into the thing handing them back over to him.

"All ready, Harrington?"

"Yeah." Lauren took a sip of the vodka to drown out a little of the pain. Before she unzipped Steve's jacket both of their eyes expanded seeing as she had on shirt or bra on under it. He didn't see anything considering how fast she turned around. "Yeah, you're not wearing a shirt."

"I didn't notice. Turn around." She pulled the jacket off her arms, turning it around so that her front was covered, but her back was exposed. "Okay, come get this over with." He turned around to see her.

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