Chap. 54; Parties Suck pt.2

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Three weeks, Lauren had been in New York for three weeks, and her entire life was derailed. Aside from the obvious reasons of fucking being there in the first place. It was August 1st and she still had a whole month before school started. Nothing about school sounded thrilling but it ment she was closer to getting back home.

Things in the apartment weren't exactly great, Diane was riding Lauren's back like it was faster than the subway. Lauren didn't even understand what she was so upset about Lauren had started a job she had decided on all her classes, she helped around the apartment even though she was responsible for zero percent of it.

Work was alright, Harrison was bearable somewhat however he was as much and asshole as Richie said he was. Lauren had really started liking Sydney and Richie against Harrisons' request they messed around a lot of their shift. It wasn't like they weren't getting their work done.

That's not where things start to get derailed, though, just like everything else. The source of the problem was Diane. Lauren being in New York: Diane's fault. Lauren and her relationship: Diane's fault. Even if things weren't inherently Diane's fault, Lauren couldn't help but resent her for the situation at hand. But what the fuck did it matter Diane resented Lauren first.

Although Lauren's current predicament was most certainly Diane's fault. Lauren sat at a miniature coffee table as three little girls began rubbing brushes with bright make-up colors all over her face. Normally, Lauren loved babysitting and loved the kids, no there's ones. Not when she was watching nine at one time. Turns out eighteen children are stronger than a singular teenage.

Kids ran around her screaming while Joy as they chased each other. On her evening, she was going to try and get the messed up shit in her life in order she was stuck with nine demons, which was ironic considering they were church kids.

There were three reasons this was the most undesirable situation for Lauren to be in. One, she really needed to get things in order and really wanted to have time to talk to Steve. Something that was rare as they were both running around doing their own thing. Two, She was getting zero dollars for her literal labor. Third, Diane made her do it there was no say just like therr was no say for anything she did.

Three weeks with this woman and Lauren already wanted to nose dive of the Brooklyn Bridge. Now, five hours with these kids made her want to do it on the way to the apparentment. "I don't think she wears enough of this," one of the girls said, giggling. Lauren tried not to let it bother her she was just a child, but it did, considering she was in the ninety-nine point nine nine percentile for anger.

"You know, I'll take that into account, Liz." Lauren said with a forced smile holding in her anger.

"She looks like one of Jodi's Barbies. Let me fix it." One on the other girls pushed the girl out of the way.

"No, don't push, Amanda." Lauren looked to Liz to make sure she was okay. "Can you apologize?"

"I'm sorry, Liz, but you making her look like a hoochie mama."

"What's a hochie mama?"

"The girl my brother is friends with."

"Let's stop talking about that while I go was off my face."

"No." The girl prolonged the word.

"Yes." Lauren did the same sitting down the little girl that was sitting in her lap, not listening to the bickering of the three girls doing her make-up. "I'll be right back." Lauren walked to the bathroom, in the mirror she could see the fucked up barbie comparison clearly. The same little girl came in the bathroom holding on to her leg as she ran her face in the water. "Cassidy, honey can you give me a second." The girl didn't budge golding tight to her leg.

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