Chap. 25; Well Shit

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Lauren woke up with a chill running up her back. She kept her eyes closed tight, not wanting to accept the fact that she had to come back to reality. She turned on to her side and rubbed her eyes. Still in a sleepy daze, she looked around at an extremely bleary room that the essences still seemed vaguely familiar.

She turned over to see a guy sleeping facing away from her. She slipped out of the bed, putting on her clothes that were spread across the floor. Her hangover came over, and she was going to throw up. She got up and ran through the door and into a bathroom with the door open. She kicked it closed behind her, dropping to the ground and throwing up in the toilet. She grabbed the hair out of her face, pulling it back with a scrunchy between the first and second time throwing up. The vomit was worse coming up than the alcohol was going down.

After she finished her first and what she hoped was her only time that day, she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so bad with smudged mascara on the side of her face. She flushed the toilet before walking out and back into the room where she couldn't find her shoe. She went around to the other side to look for it. She knelt and lifted the bed skirt. She saw it and reached for it when she came up and hit her head on the metal frame.

"Oh damn." She rubbed the back of her while getting out from under the bed. When she got up, she saw his face and was immediately pissed at herself. Even without her glasses or contacts in, she could tell who ot was clear as day.

Once she got on her shoe, she was out his door. She went down the stairs and heard half of a conversation coming towards her. Not wanting to be seen, she jumped into the closet till she heard them pass by. She peered her head out the door, looking both ways before exiting the closet. She ran out the door, closing it quietly behind her. She was bombarded with the freezing December air. She crossed her arms across her chest to keep in some of the warmth on her walk home. A car approached her and slowed down.

"Lauren?" A voice came from the car. Lauren looked over at it, seeing one of her best friends. "What are you doing walking there is windshield of like negative ten? Get in the car." Lauren stopped causing the car to stop. She stared at the boy in the driver's seat. Before walking to get in. Immediately relieved when she sat down in the heat. Walt reached in the back seat for a blanket of the car and wrapped it around her shoulders. She expected it and held it close once he started driving again. "So why are you walking at seven in the morning?" He said, turning up the heat and turning off the music.

"I slept with him." His head jerked to look at her, shocked at her words. She leaned forward, putting her head in her hands.

"Who Wildly? Galestpy? Tell me it wasn't Galestpy."

"God, I wish."

"Who Lo?"

"Harrington." He stopped the car abruptly with the news to make sure he was hearing her right. She just nodded, head still in her hands. She started driving again.

"Okay when you say slept together do you mean had a little sleepover played dress up had a tea party or you fucked?"

"Unless we just decided to sleep in the same bed naked then yeah we fucked." Walt kept looking between her and the road. He put his hand on her knee to give her some peace of mind.

"How did him taking you to the party turn into you sleeping together? I mean I know you thought about it but I didn't think you would."

"I don't know, I have no clue what happened last night. I was so drunk."

"Were you at least safe?" She shook her head.

"Oh no, and no, apparently, he decided to cum everywhere." she lifted up her shirt and pulled down her pants slightly not showing anything but her stomach.

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