Chap. 37; Prom

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"And for those that are going to prom, please remember don't create or take a life this weekend." Lauren had stopped listening when the bell had rung ready to get out of class. Steve walked over to her books that he may or may not have touched all of his senior year in hand.

"So are you going to tell me what color your dress is so I can get that flower thing?" Lauren looked up at him.

"Umm, I'll call and tell you later. I've got to talk to Walt."

"Wait, Hop."She turned the corner before she normally did and took the long way to her locker. She didn't want to tell him that she didn't have a dress for the party that was the next day. She saw Nancy talking to Ali, and she walked behind her until their conversation ended. "Hey, Nance."

"Hey Lo," Nancy said, starting to open her locker.

"Where did you get your dress?"

"Von Maur."

"To experience where else did you look?"

"Umm, Macy's and Bloomingdale's. Why? Nancy's eyes got wide. "Oh god, you haven't got a dress, have you?"

"No. I've had to study for finals, and with the Starcourt opening at the end of the month, everyone's quitting to go work there, so I've had to cover a shit ton of shifts. It is only a matter of time before I get fired because nobody is coming in, and there's a new theater in there. So people are just going to watch movies there. And then, in my little bit of free time, I'm with Steve. Which I won't even get to do this summer. If I don't get fired well both have a job because he got a job at some ice cream shop or something, and my only coworker that I like quit so I have to talk to Gavin and he's so weird." Lauren continued with stuff that had nothing to do with the actual point of the tangent.

"Oh, sound like you're ready for summer break."

"Counting down the days," Lauren remembered the whole reason for the conversation. "Can you come with me to get a dress tonight?"

"Lauren, I don't think there will be any dresses. I went a week ago, and there was like nothing." Lauren groaned, knowing she was right.

"What if I wear the one you were last year."

"The one I wore with Steve?" Nancy raised her eyebrows at her, knowing that would change her answer. Even though Steve probably wouldn't have even noticed. Other than simply putting it off as looking familiar.

"Oh, maybe not then. Can you come, please? I'm literally begging you."

"Yes, I'll tell Jonathan I'm not coming over tonight."

"Tell him not to tell Steve." Lauren gave her a 'really' look before setting her books in her locker.

Nancy turned the car off when they parked at the Castleton mall an hour and a half away from Hawkins. "I can't wait for that mall to open up. I'm like generally scared of going to get shot here."

"I think we're far enough outside of Indianapolis not to get shot well be fine." The two of them walked in the rain with one of Jonathan's jacket from the back of the car over their heads. When they got to the mall, it was bustling with people, considering it was a Friday night the week before most schools in Indiana got out for three months. "Where do you want to go?"

"The cheapest place. I'm broke."

"Macy's?" Lauren nodded, not knowing what the cheapest place was, and just agreeing with whatever sounded right. "Are we all meeting at your house or getting ready along with getting a dress, I don't know the plan?" Lauren said as they made their way to Macy's superstore.

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