CH.10: A friend.

Começar do início

Alphys kept inspecting Error by spinning around him and looking at how he looks. Error felt a bit overwhelmed and tried to back away to which Alphys just held both his hands in a grip, trying to interact with him.

Error froze as he let out a shocked glitchy 'hrk!' as error signs littered his eyes and body, making him crash at the unexpected Touch. Outer sweatdropped at that while Alphys quickly let go of Errors hand, apologizing repeatedly. "W-what happened?!"

Outer chuckled nervously. "Uh.. Forgot to tell you he has Haphephobia, But I could tell you that I didn't know he could do, well.. that" Outer pointed at the little Reboot icon on top of Errors head.

Alphys gasped as she felt guilty for touching Error without his permission. "I-I-Im so s-sorry! I didn't k-know!" Alphys apologized again to Error who obviously couldnt hear her. " 'ts fine.. just let 'm sit on the chair until this little reboot thingy fills up" Outer flicked his head towards the chair that was in front of a big screen. Alphys agreed since thats the least she can do for now.

. . . . . .

Error felt as if his whole entire body was littered with hands trying to get a grip on his arms, shoulders, and everywhere on his body like it was a nightmare. It was cold, dark and lonely in his unconscious state. After a while, he gained consciousness. Error looked around in confusion as he tried to remember what had happened before a wave of memories hit his head.

"uGh.." Error rubbed his forehead as he remembered what had happened. Before losing consciousness Error remembered how Alphys suddenly gripped his hands, making his Haphephobia act up in a hurry.

"Oh, you're up." Error turned his head to where Outer was standing. "You were unconscious for 20 minutes. Does this happen often?" Outer asked as he stood infront of Error who groaned. "y3Ah.. d0nT l1Ke pEoPl3 sUdDeNlY tOuCh1nG mE wiThOuT WaRnInG."

Error stood up as Outer assured him to take it easy. "Oh yeah, Alphys is currently trying to fix your clothes as an apology" Error nodded at Outer who just smiled at him. "tH4NkS f0R eVeRyTH1Ng s0 fAr."

"Its no problem, that's what friends do right?" Error felt warm in his soul as he nodded in return. "iF y0U NeEd AnYtH1nG iN R3TuRn, PlEaSe t3ll mE." Outer hummed at that before Error stood up and walked towards the labs entrance. "Where are you going?" Outer followed behind Error.

"fIxInG ClOtHeS w1LL tAkE sOmE TiMe, s0 iM pLaNniNG oN kNiTtInG iN mY 'hOmE' " Error opened a portal that was pure white that made Outer uneasy. "Can I come with?" Error shook his head before tying a string around Outers wrist without touching him. "YoU'LL g0 InSaNe iF yOu dO."

Outer inspected the blue string that was tied around his wrist with a curious look on his face. "iF y0U NeEd m3 oR iF mY ClOtHeS ArE fIxEd, jUsT sNaP tHe sTriNg aNd iLl kNoW." One of the Cons Error noticed on his skills is that if any of his strings were snapped or broken, he'd be immediately informed. Which was useful for knowing if his hostages broke free.

Error stepped through the portal while waving at Outer who also waved back before closing it, making pure white envelope his view once again. Error sighed as he death glared at the soul that was hung there. "d0nT SaY a W0Rd." This time, the soul surprisingly obeyed.

Error looked at the puppets he had made over the past few days, inspecting how he had improved. Maybe Error could make an Outer doll to gift it to Outer as thanks? Error softly smiled at the idea which made the soul speak up once again.

"What are you smiling for. You murderers don't deserve to smile." Error growled at that as the soul ruined his mood once again. Error was glad that he took his tools out of his jacket before he went to Hotland and crashed.

This life as Error Sans.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora