Chapter 40

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"Heard anything on Selena?" Tofunmi whispered to me because of the teacher teaching

It had been 4 days since we visited the hospital.

"No" I said as I scribbled down what was written on the board

The woman was going through the attendance when she stopped at a name.

"Selena Adeola"
"Absent" Tofunmi said
"And why has the girl not been in class for a month now?" She asked
"Did she transfer to another school?" She asked and we shrugged
"Aren't you guys her friends?" She asked
"But we don't know" Tofunmi lied
"You guys will soon start GCE, hope you know that right?"


"She's awake" Selena's mother said from the call

That mere sentence made me jump from my seat and I quickly tapped Tofunmi who was sleeping on her locker.

"What?" She muttered rubbing her eyes
"It's Selena she's awake!" I yelled and Tofunmi quickly stood up with happiness evident in her face
"Oh my goodness! What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Tofunmi yelled
"It's still school hours, we won't be allowed out of school"
"Let me call my mom to pick us up" I said before dialling my mother's contact
"Hurry!" Tofunmi said as she packed her books
"Calm down, I also want to see her too!" I said waiting for my mother's phone to ring


Mom swerved her car at the parking lot before putting off her engine, Tofunmi sprinted out of the car and I raced after her, we were allowed into the ward and I opened the door and I saw her, with a smile on her face.

I thought I wouldn't see that smile again.

Tofunmi wrapped her in a big hug while Selena gave her a weak smile, I stood at a corner respectively keeping my distance, she hadn't noticed me yet I think, she looked tired and weak as she was responding to Tofunmi's questions. Just then she turned to me and I waved slightly, I expected her to frown or get angry with me but she smiled, I stood there confused.

Had she forgotten or what?

"Come here jo, is she biting you ni?" Tofunmi said motioning for me to come closer

I came closer this time sitting beside Tofunmi opposite her bed.

"... Selena" I muttered
"Hmm?" She asked
"I know you're possibly angry at me and...."
"I need to sleep, I love you" Selena said before closing her eyes

" I guess I'll tell her later then" I said before giving her space and I went to sit down in my previous position while Tofunmi watched over her like an eagle.

Just then the EKG machine ran down in a straight line, not receiving any pulse, it started beeping fast like an alarm and Selena's mom rushed out to get the doctor. Tofunmi looked at me with wide eyes and I stood up quickly and tapped Selena.

"Selena? Selena!! What are you doing!" I asked already trembling receiving no response from her
"Why isn't she moving?!!!" Tofunmi yelled then we were pushed away by nurses and doctors flooded the room
"Noooo!! Leave me the fuck alone! I want to see Selena!!!" I yelled trying to man handle the nurse as she got us out of the room
"Selena!!!" Tofunmi kept screaming kicking her legs in the air

When the nurses successfully brought us out of the room I sat down on the chair looking blankly my heart was beating fast and I was shaking violently.  I tried to get a closer look while Tofunmi silently sobbed.

Soon a defibrillator was brought into the ward and I watched as one of the doctors pressed the machine on Selena's chest twice with no results, my heart was beating fast in fear.

"Clear!" The doctor yelled before pressing the defibrillator to her chest once more, he shaked his head in defeat while Selena's mom kept screaming while holding one of the nurses violently and crying for them to try again.

"Selena Adefunke Adeola"
"Time of death, 2:45 pm August 24" The physician said

The doctors left giving their condolences to Selena's mother before letting me go in one more time. There she was, resting peacefully on the bed, with a smile on her face, tears clouded my visions as I tried ti stiffle the sobs threatening to escape my mouth.

"I need to sleep, I love you" Selena said before closing her eyes

"Selena?" I called hoping she would answer
"Selena's dead, Tyra" Her mother said with no emotions, she looked hopeless

"Selena's dead"
"Selena's dead"
"Selena's dead"
"Selena's dead"

Those words kept ringing in my ears and I couldn't hold back the sobs and I screamed out in pain, I felt empty like my soul just left my body, it hurt like hell, like my chest was being compressed.

She has to be awake? Right? This is just a stupid nightmare right?

"Selena!!!" I yelled shaking her violently expecting her to look at me annoyed that I was disturbing her sleep, but none of that happened...

She was still motionless, I whimpered in pain and kept shaking.

"You told me you wanted to sleep right, Selena? Then why aren't you awake? How dare you lie to me!!!"
"Why?!!!" I yelled holding her collar then someone pulled me back


"Malik, help me wake her up, why isn't she waking?!!!" I whimpered while trying to breathe he wrapped his arms around me

"Malik!!! Help me wake her up, are you deaf? Why are you hugging me? She didn't die" I said pushing him with all my strength but he didn't move despite how much I pushed him away and I sobbed on his chest while he kept whimpering.

"Malik, please I'm begging you, wake her up for me, once she sees you she'll wake up"

"I'm sorry" Malik whispered

"Selena told me she loves me, so she's just sleeping"
"I'm sorry, Lola" He mutteed
"What are you sorry for? Malik, she can't be dead.....she. ... she's....just sleeping" I whispered

"Selena's not alive, Lola and you know that" He whispered
"Stop that, stop wishing something bad on my bestfriend, She's too young for that, she's just 16" I said in denial
"I can't...breathe Malik"
"I can't...."


I cried so much writing this, its so painful to me even though I've never lost someone so close to me before. I know some of you might hate me for writing this. Please point out my mistakes in this chapter, I don't know how to write sad scenes. Vote, comment and share. Thank you! See you in the next chapter. Happy New Year's Eve!💚
We made it through 2023😩💚💚

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