Chapter 8

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Today was quite stressful in school with Selena as usual blabbing on and on about Malik, Tofunmi planning the next party to attend and me trying to avoid Malik but it wasn't all sucessful because he was still my tutor and trust me the lessons were awkward. We had one yesterday and when he was trying to pass me his pen since I couldn't really find mine, our hands touched and I quickly removed my hand and looked down and he just gave me a look and dropped the pen on my side of the table.

As soon as I got to my room, I let out a sigh of relief and got into the bar tub and relaxed into my warm bubble bath, just what I needed. I probably stayed in there for like 45 minutes before reluctantly washing my self up and got out in my robe. I got out of the bathroom to see Tina looking at me with wide eyes and the watch was in her hand, I quickly snatched the watch from her.

"What are you doing in my room? And don't touch that" I said referring to my watch
"Can you explain why I went back to an hour earlier?"

Too late

She already used it, I sighed before replying her.

"And what were you doing in my room in the first place? Going through my things"
"Well Aaron said he's going to Abuja in an hour and he's asking what he should get you"
"Chocolates, so explain the reason for going through my things" I said before crossing my arms
"I don't need to explain to you now tell me how you got this watch 'cause I'm very sure nobody in this house got it for you"
"I don't need to explain to you! Mind your business!" I said before taking out a comfortable outfit from wardrobe and she scoffed

"I need an explanation on how I went back to an hour ago NOW!" I could tell she wasn't going to let it slide
"And wait a minute how did you quickly figure that out, and did you have to wait for an hour again?" I asked
"No I just pressed one yellow button like that and quickly came back, now answer the question" She said
"I said mind your business maybe next time you won't go through my stuff"
"Yen yen yen yen yen...." She mocked
"...I guess mom would want to know more about that interesting watch of yours"
She said and I laughed
"And you think she would believe you werey abeg do you think this is a book or a movie that she'll believe you" I said before dropping the watch on my bed and changing into comfortable clothes.
"Not if I show it to her, evidence deeyy" She said smirking before grabbing the watch and she ran out of my room.

I raced after her and caught her hair pulling after before tackling her to the ground.

"I will tell you!"
"Better! Now can you get off me? I don't want your craziness to rub off me"
"It's you that crazy" I said before standing up and we went back to our room.
"So spill"
"Ok so like 2 months ago someone threw the watch at me and I was so angry and I turned back to see this watch so I took it and hid it in my bag..."
"Correction, you STOLE it not you did not take it and by the way the first thing that occurred to your dumb brain was to pick it up, what if there was a bomb inside, or a hidden camera?" Tina said before facepalming herself
"Take a chill pill, madam let me finish" I said before rolling my eyes
"..So the next day I went to school with the watch and Selena mistakenly pressed one of the buttons and I went back to like 4 hours previously and I was suprised and confused because this shit obviously happened only in movies and books and I just had to come back home and I called Selena to ask that weren't we in school this morning, that did I go unconcious or something? But shey said no to anything of such so I just concluded it was deja vu"

"Oh was it that day that I saw you at home?"
"Yeah, It sha happened the third time and I figured out there was something about the watch so I even passed my test and all 'cause I saw the question beforehand and yeah I figured the watch out"

"Ole test stealer! By the way does Selena know?"
"Obviously not, do you think she'll believe me?"
"Isn't she supposed to? She's your bestie"
"Right now I don't want to bother her" I said
"Where was this watch when I was writing JAMB?" Tina yelled before she sighed

I know I said Tina's a year older but she got double promotion and graduated last year and quickly got admission. She's intelligent and stupid at the same time, How amazing!

"Pele o"
"You're lucky I swear!"
"Did you not come out with 320?"
"Ehn what ever it was still hard"
"Borrow me your watch" she added
"Because of what?" I asked scowling
"Ahahn you're selfish oo, so you want to be passing and I should be failing abi?"
"I don't mind, and its not like you're too smart to" I replied
"I need a break jare"
"And that doesn't mean I'm giving you"
"Because of? Abi you want me to tell mummy, you know I get evidence"
"Ehn what's my own"
"Let's see what she has to say"

If my mom hears about it she would flip and she is so dramatic, She will first scold me for stealing something that's not mine, she will now ban me from using the watch and I needed that watch more than anything not even when exam is waiting by the corner.

"Oya take it, that doesn't mean it belongs to you now, It's still mine and I will collect it and I must not hear that it broke,lost or spoils because......"
"See how you're talking to me, I'm older than you oo aunty" Tina said before rolling her eyes

I was just too tired of her like, why did I get so unlucky?

"Go and tell that to mummy that gave birth to me when you were 15 months"
"A true gap is two years so go and rest"
"Lemme see how you want to collect this watch from me, you never see anything"
"You dare not, have you forgotten I'm the last born? I know all your secrets, ALL, so you can't even try that shit with me" I said smirking before blowing imaginary dirt off my nails.

Did you enjoy this chapter? If you did, I'm glad you did and if you didn't comment why you didn't enjoy it, btw I changed the face claim of Tina and Aaron, the former ones were chosen in a hurry, well now I've changed it go check it out. And note check the table of contents and read Chapter 5 before reading chapter 6, so sorry for the mistake.
P.s. Don't forget to click on that star button rn and comment, thank u!!!💚💚💚😊

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