Chapter 30

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I carried my school bag and entered into Malik's car and sat in the passenger seat.

He was driving me to school today, because he claimed that I needed protection. Protection from Thomas? I don't think so.

I appreciated the care though and I wanted to use the opportunity to spend more time with him. We got into the school compound in a few minutes and Malik walked me to class.

"No fight today?" Tofunmi asked while Selena chuckled
"Ehn?" I asked in confusion
"You and Malik? He walked you to class"
"We weren't fighting before"
"Ok oh because we are blind abi?" Selena said sarcastically
"Maybe, Maybe not" I replied shrugging
"Goat" Tofunmi muttered
"Did you hear about Belinda yesterday?" Tofunmi asked about to update Selena with another rumour
"She was smoking in the bathroom and one of the female teachers caught her" Tofunmi said
"Guyyy" Selena said in a surprised tone
"So what will now happen to her?" Selena asked
"They're going to suspend her today"
"Atleast they didn't expel her but omo that kind thing in school?" Selena asked
"Who knew she smoked? She looked like the most normal person I know, her behaviour didn't seem off and she never smelt like a cigarette" Tofunmi said
"Expert na" Selena said rolling her eyes

"Ahahn, Tyra what happen?" Tofunmi asked
"Nothing" I muttered

Why was I quiet? You may be thinking but I was still overwhelmed with yesterday's incident and I felt uncomfortable feeling shivers from the places Thomas touched. I felt so stupid to trust a guy like him.

"You sure?" Selena asked
And I nodded.


It was lunch break and I bought chin chin and zobo but I didn't want to eat in the cafeteria so I decided to go out to eat in our school garden alone instead. So I could clear my head and think.

I sat down on the brown bench and took a seat enjoying the scenery when a figure walked towards me and I squeezed my plastic bottle in anger when I recognize the face that was walking towards me grinning.

He get mind aswr

He still had the effontery to show his face after what happened. I think the Saturday beatings weren't enough.

He swiftly to my hand and smirked, his touch irritated me so bad, I wanted to pull my hand away but his grip was too strong and nobody would help me since we had no bad blood, we were always cool with each other, emphasis on the 'were'.

But who said my other hand wasn't useful?
I swung my right hand across his stupid face making such a loud impact and he fell down to the side.

He deserved it.

I was so disgusted by his attitude, so this was his true colour? He disgusted me so much.

"Baby did you just slap me?" He said wincing from the ground holding his throbbing cheek

I rolled my eyes at the stupid question he just asked.

"Ohhh I see, it's because you're fucking Malik now right?" He added as he stood up

"By the way, we're over!" I yelled furiously
"We?" He said laughing
"We can never be over" He replied and he gripped my waist

Anger surged through my veins and I kicked him in his privates and I grabbed a stick and swung it across his head. I was so angry I was picking anything I could see to hurt him when I sighted a big stone and I smiled in satisfaction.

I grabbed the stone and was about to throw it to his stupid face when someone held me back by my two hands.

"Guyy, what are you doing? Do you want to kill him?" Noel asked from behind me

He was the one that pulled me back.

"Noel, free me, you don't know what he did!" I yelled
"Tyra calm down" Noel muttered
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down" I said holding the stone tighter in my arms and Noel took the stone from my grasp and threw it on the ground
"Tyra this isn't over" He said before winking and I knelt down and let all my bottled up emotions escape by crying.

Then Noel let go of me

"What's going on between the two lovey dovey couple?" Noel asked as he handed me a handkerchief

"We aren't a couple anymore, we're over" I said
"Why? You guys could literally stare at each other's eyes for an eternity" Noel said rolling his eyes
"I guess he's not taking the break up well" He muttered
"Noel please, mind your business"
"Oh sorry! Forgive me for trying to help"he said hanging his two hands in the air
"I never asked for help Noel, I can handle this" I said
"Fine! Just don't kill him next time" He said walking away from me

Too late

See you guys in the next chapter. Luv yaaa and Adios,(I need my sleep rn). Do the usual and press that star button or else you'll see a big snake under your bed. Just kidding! (Don't come for me abeg).
But seriously press that button.

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