Chapter 3

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I wore my converse and tied my laces and tried to use a concealer from my sister to cover my hickey and it was so embarrassing when she found it yesterday.

After packing all the snacks from Tofunmi's house, her and her mom dropped us at my house but mom wasn't at home, she already went to church along with my older brother So Tina my older sister had to stay home to wait for me, Tina is my older sister, she's just a year older than me. I knocked on the gate and she opened it before examining me.
"Hm, Virgin Mary has been disvirgined"
I looked at her confused and saw where she was peeking at, my hickey.
"Lemme enter first now" I said before heading upstairs into my room and she followed me. I changed into an oversized shirt and tiny shorts. And Tina climbed my bed, This girl ehn she will not rest. I rolled my eyes and asked,
"Why are you here?" I said before sitting on the ground
"Uhh duh... I'm here for the tea" She said
"Which tea?"
"Abi you want me to tell mom how you were romancing a boy at Tofunmi's party"
"I didn't romance anyone!"
"But the hickey tells me otherwise" Tina said before smirking
"Better spill the tea, you're wasting time jare"
"It was a dare"
"Explain deeper"
I sighed before saying,

"Don't tell mommy o"
"I won't, seh!"
"Tofunmi dared a guy to make me moan"
"Hmmmm who?" She asked before wiggling her brows
"Y'know Tofunmi said we should wear masks so I couldn't see the guys face properly"
"So he gave a hickey and you moaned?"
"Well that's not all"
"Mo ti mo*! 'Something' happened!" Tina said as she giggled
"Spill jo*" She added
"He spanked me"
"You are a bhad gurl, you are a very bhad gurl" She said nodding her head slowly
"And you too you were enjoying it hm, be like me that I'm holy" Tina said looking very innocent
"Liar liar iro lo ma pa e sha*" I said before rolling my eyes
"Abeg shift!" She said before standing up from my bed
"Better come and collect concealer before mommy catches you, and that doesn't mean you should finish everything o"

I took my bag and the watch along, I still hadn't gotten the hang of it, I didn't know what all the buttons meant.
I went downstairs to see Mom and Tina eating breakfast, I must be early today then.
I joined them on the dinning after greeting my mom good morning.
I salivated at the hot sardine toasts and took a cup of coffee with it and sat with them to eat. After eating mom gave me N1000 and I made way for school. I got to school at 7:20 and groaned that now I was going to attend assembly. And just a few people were in class in it was pretty much boring because they were not in my friend group so I didn't really speak with them. I got out of class and roamed around the block when I saw that guy from the party, Niyi. Then I waved at him and he looked at me in confusion before frowning and then smiling.

"Oh I remember you! The girl with the resting bitch face!"
"I have a name"
"Sorry Tyra"
"I'm surprised you talked to me today I thought you were too big to talk to peasants" I said before rolling my eyes
"I didn't say I was proud I'm just a quiet person" He said
"Hm quiet my ass"
"Anyways did you see a guy at the Tofunmi's party wearing a brown scarf to cover his face" I added
"There were a lot of guys with brown scarves" He replied
Just before I could ask him Selena dragged me away, what was her problem? Who ate her biscuits? Just then the bell rang for assembly and we all went downstairs to the hall and assembly started immediately.

"This your watch ehn? I thought you were going to sell it" Selena asks whispering
"I've changed my mind"
"I just felt like"
"You could make huge money from that and you don't even look like you can operate it"
"Just drop it! I don't have to sell it"
"'Cause I know you must have a reason you don't look like you could choose a watch you don't know how to use over money"
"So why the sudden argument? Do you want the watch?" I asked in frustration
"I don't, you've been acting weird since last week Wednesday when we were writing Government test"
"U know what never mind I think am just imagining things" Selena said
And after a few minutes we matched down to our class for Language class which was divided into 3; Yoruba, French and Spanish, you could choose one of the three, I chose Spanish, I've been in Spanish classes since SS1. I chose Spanish because I was already familiar with Yoruba, I knew the basics of french and wanted to learn a new language so I went for my Spanish class with Tofunmi while Selena was in French classes.

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