Luffy shrugged and pointed to Law's room, thinking it would be enough to let the older know.

"Not speaking huh." The doctor noticed and got back to work.

Luffy brought out his flashcards and showed one to Law. It said 'Food?'

"Is this really how you're going to converse with me from now?"

Luffy switched the card to 'Doctor then?'

"No. How many of these do you have?" Law took the cards in his hands and went through the cardboard pieces, Luffy had pretty much everything covered. "Listen, I don't trust new people, least of all new doctors, so that's a no. I'm eating as much as I can and when I remember to eat. I don't need medicines anymore. And I absolutely have to get this report done by the end of next week so I can't afford to slack."

The younger stared at Law for a few seconds before bringing out a new card from his pocket. It read, 'Still not talking until you go to a doctor.'

"Suit yourself."



Luffy pushed that card in Law's line of vision, in front of his laptop. The younger was tired and wanted to sleep, and that meant that Law should be going to bed too. Luffy had somehow managed to make the older eat two meals in front of him, but Law still hadn't rested himself one bit.

"I'm fine." Law mumbled and heard Luffy sigh before the younger left the couch. Law wondered where his boyfriend had gone but didn't have to think for too long because in a minute, Luffy was back with two quilts, one he draped around Law's shoulders and the other over himself and laid down with his head on the older's thigh, to sleep.

Law felt warm inside and not from the blanket around him, but from the affection in Luffy's actions. The doctor knew how annoyed Luffy was with him for being careless with his health but he still wasn't leaving him to his own devices. Distractedly, Law rubbed the head on his leg and that earned him a purr, something he thought he had imagined all those years ago.


Peace. Law thought with a sigh escaping his lips. The doctor sat down on the living room couch and opened his laptop to resume his work, he had left momentarily to put his glasses on and take a pill for migraine because his eyes had started to ache.

A disapproving grunt came from beside Law and he closed his eyes to breathe through his nose, to calm himself. Luffy had been silent, like he had said, he wasn't talking to Law, only making sounds and pouts to let the older know when he didn't like what Law was doing to himself. The first two days, Luffy had stayed stuck by Law's side, then he stopped doing that and kept his actions to only reminding the older of his meals by putting the food in front of him. Luffy had, a few times, dragged Law to bed and taken out the battery from his laptop so the doctor would have no choice but to sleep. Slowly, he withdrew that though and Law was glad that Luffy had finally realized that the older needed to do his work.

When Law remained stoic to the current sounds, Luffy got up and left to somewhere the older didn't bother to check. Law went through his multiple handwritten reports and felt a wave of vertigo pass over him again. The doctor was glad Luffy had left or he wouldn't have heard the end of it. When he could see without feeling like his eyes were vibrating, Law took the mug of tea Luffy had prepared for him earlier and walked around to relax his muscles a little. Law eventually went into his room.

The doctor could tell it was a full moon by the small amount of moonlight coming in through the closed curtains. With the warm mug of tea in his hand, Law kind of wanted to see the moon so he got up and pulled the curtains aside but instead of the sight of moon, he got a near heart attack.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now