War's end

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The atmosphere in the compound was electric as Aeon's voice pierced through the tension, announcing the arrival of the League of Villains. The entrance gate crumbled under the force of the assault, revealing the advancing forces led by All For One, flanked by Deku's clone and Shigaraki. Toga, Dabi, Twice, Mr. Compress, Toxin, Spinner's clones, and the Bakugo Nomu followed closely behind.

Deku, strategically positioned with his squad, spotted the Bakugo Nomu in the advancing forces. A surge of mixed emotions hit him as memories of their shared past fueled his determination. Silently vowing to end his old bully's suffering, Deku steeled himself for the impending confrontation.

At the center of the compound, the doors to the false hideout swung open, and the All Might clone walked out with purpose. All For One, confident and imposing, approached, signaling for his army to stay back. The two iconic figures, arch-enemies, faced each other.

"All Might," All For One sneered, "you've always been a symbol of false hope. But today, even your façade will crumble."

The All Might clone, a perfect mimicry of the Symbol of Peace, stood resolute. "Your reign of darkness ends today, All For One. Heroes will always rise against tyranny."

All For One chuckled, a sinister gleam in his eyes. "How quaint, All Might. Do you think you can still stand against me? Your former successor is proof of your failure. He's the key to my triumph."

The All Might clone, chuckling in a way that sent shivers down All For One's spine, responded, "Your arrogance blinds you, All For One. If you think he belongs to you or me, you're a fool."

All For One, caught off guard by the unexpected response, scowled. "Explain yourself, All Might."

The All Might clone's eyes gleamed with an intensity that mirrored the real hero. "All For One, you won't win this fight. None of you are leaving without cuffs or a body bag."

All For One chuckled, an arrogant smile playing on his lips. However, his confidence wavered as the All Might clone melted away, revealing the ruse. Simultaneously, the clones of Deku, Toga, Dabi, and the others vanished, leaving only Shigaraki and the Nomu army standing behind All For One.

The slight falter in All For One's confidence did not go unnoticed. Aeon seized the moment and shouted over the coms, "ENGAGE NOW! ATTACK!"

With Aeon's command, the squads sprung into action. The air crackled with quirks clashing, the clash of metal and energy filling the compound. Deku's squad, strategically positioned, moved swiftly, each member engaging their assigned targets with precision.

Deku, fueled by a mixture of determination and a desire to protect, confronted the Nomu Bakugo.

Deku faced the Bakugo Nomu with a determined gaze. The memories of their shared past weighed heavily on him, and though Bakugo had been the worst person he had ever known, the sight of his former classmate turned into a mindless beast filled Deku with a strange mix of sorrow and resolve.

"I won't let you suffer any longer," Deku whispered to himself as he charged towards the Bakugo Nomu.

The Nomu, a grotesque manifestation of the quirk-laden experimentation All For One had subjected it to, moved mechanically, its movements a grotesque parody of the explosive agility Bakugo had once possessed. Deku's heart ached at the sight, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for the role he had played in bringing about this fate.

As Deku closed the distance, the Bakugo Nomu's regenerative abilities became apparent. Each punch, each kick, seemed to heal almost instantly. The battle became a grueling test of endurance, and Deku found himself pushed to the limit.

In a moment of desperation, Deku tapped into Bakugo's quirk, using the explosive power to create distance and launch surprise attacks. The irony was not lost on him—using the very quirk that had fueled their rivalry in the past to bring an end to Bakugo's suffering.

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